Right now, when we get an error from HttpService, we end up getting an error code. The problem is, this error code doesn’t actually mean anything:
See? ‘err=0x2EE2’ - What on earth does this mean?
Luckily enough for me I searched ‘WinHTTP error messages’ and got [b]this[/b] which told me the error codes in decimal. So the easy task was turning the hex into decimal and then printing it.
So I’m getting a request time out! Aha! I know how to debug my code now!
Now, imagine if I didn’t have to do all of those intermediate steps and it just told me ‘WinHttpSendRequest failed, ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT’
I would probably be able to guesstimate what it meant just from that, and then be able to fix my code without having to figure out where the error messages are stored.
That’s why I would love it if HTTPService errors were changed so that it doesn’t give an obscure error code.