Tutorial: Coding a Speedrun Timer

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Making the UI
It is very simple.

  1. Make a ScreenGui and add a TextLabel.
    2 [optional]. If you’re willing for this to be mobile compatible, use an offset to scale plugin on both the text and the other elements that will be listed in this section of the tutorial.
    3 - Insert a TextButton object to the ScreenGui and set its text to be “Start”.

4 (optional) - Set the background color of the button to be green, and the text color to be white. You can round the corners by adding an UICorner to the button.


  1. Add a LocalScript to the TextLabel. Make sure it is not enabled.
  2. Paste in this code:
    local label = script.Parent
    local Time = 0
    while true do
           Time += 0.1
            label.Text = tostring(Time)

What this code does: It will define what the label variable is, which in this case is the TextLabel. Then it will define another variable called Time. Then there will be a loop that goes on forever (while true loop) that will change the Time variable and the display every 0.1 seconds. (Don’t worry! This script can be stopped by either enabling or disabling it!

  1. Add this localscript to the text button:
   local button = script.Parent
   local ToggleMode = "Start"
        if ToggleMode == "Start" then
               ToggleMode = "Reset"
               button.Text = "Reset"
              script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.LocalScript.Enabled = true


                ToggleMode = "Start"
               button.Text = "Start"
              script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.LocalScript.Enabled = false

What this does: It will define the button as the parent of the script that runs the code above. Next it will define ToggleMode, a string value that determines if it will reset or start next click. There is an event that fires when the button is clicked. The if statement will check if the ToggleMode string is “Start”. If it is, then it will enable the timer script on the TextLabel and vice-versa.

You completed this tutorial!


I forgot to mention you need to put the ScreenGui in StarterGui.

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You can make this more accurate with a os.clock() comparison since it’s all client sided and doesn’t save.


local label = script.Parent
local startTick = os.clock()

while true do
	local timePassed = os.clock() - startTick
	label.Text = string.format("%.2f", timePassed) .. " Seconds"
	-- hypothetical expected output: 3.75 Seconds


workspace:GetServerTimeNow() is good too


Cool tutorial. I like how straightforward it is with it’s steps.

One way I do find that you could do the improve it is by following the Roblox Lua Style Guide. A simple and easy change that can dramatically improve how professional and readable your scripts are


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