This post is really old, and I was pretty new when I made it
The code for this is a mess and you should probably be using what alexinite instead of what I said
How to set up notifications
Note: If you already have a gui skip steps 1-4
1: Open "Roblox Studio
2: Select “Baseplate”
3: Click “StarterGui”
4: Create a “ScreenGui” in it.
5: Create and map out over 1 textlabel(s) and also name each textlabel with “m”(for example) and a different number
6: Add a new folder and name it whatever you want
7: Add another folder folder and name it whatever you want(for the textlabel(s))
8: Move all the textlabel(s) in to the folder you just created
9: Create a script and have this data in it:
–the event is optional
game.ReplicatedStorage.MCMDA.Event:Connect(function(msg, color3)
local val = #script.Parent.–your first folder name–:GetChildren()
if script.Parent--your second folder name--:FindFirstChild("--txextlabels name without number--"..val) == nil then
script.Parent.--your first folder name--:ClearAllChildren()
for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.--your second folder name--:GetChildren()) do
v.Text = ""
script.Parent.--txextlabel's name without number--.1.Text = msg
script.Parent.--txextlabel's name without number--1.TextColor3 = color3"StringValue", script.Parent.--your first folder name--)
local ting = script.Parent.--your second folder name--:FindFirstChild("m"..val)
if ting then
ting.Text = msg
ting.TextColor3 = color3"StringValue", script.Parent.--your first folder name--)
ting.Text = ""
replace all the ---- to what they tell you to replace to
and you should get this: