Tutorial: Making a black hole with real time lensing

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  1. Get an inverted sphere mesh (preferably from the Meshes category of the toolbox) and set Lighting to Future.

  2. Set its transparency to 2 and add a highlight with outline and fill transparency set to 1, with the mesh material being Glass.

  3. Duplicate the mesh, decrease its size vertically by 1 or 2 studs and paste in the position of the first mesh, and increase the transparency by 0.5.




  1. Repeat step 3 8 times.

  2. Set the 8th mesh’s transparency to 50.

  3. To complete the effect, insert an attachment into the 8th mesh, add a particleemitter, set its texture to a circle texture, and make it black. Set speed to 0. Lower its lifetime to avoid it being too pixelated.

Demonstration (with 512x512 texture)



  1. The black hole model is done!

  2. Add some additional details to the black hole to make it more interesting. (optional)


anything I’m missing?


It’s way too oval shaped. Also, the outline of the highlight needs to be transparent.


Instructions unclear, ended up making humanity extinct and Earth destroyed

8.5/10 would recommend for all ages


Nice of you to post this as a tutorial! With a bit more fiddling around, you can make it even more convincing! You can add stuff like flares and stuff, like here


You could also add an accretion disk, which is just a torus mesh, and then it will bend it over just like real black holes!

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Could you make the post more readable? Also, it would be great if you added images for reference. I think this would make the tutorial a little better. For now, it looks a bit effortless.

I added image demonstrations, and also images that show what you need to do in each step.

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i dont think this works anymore. either that or i did it wrong

Never mind i figured it out. Also I don’t like that there’s minimum character limit for these posts.

this would be cool but sadly its supported only on high graphics.

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I tried this with different meshes. It works for all types of MeshParts from the toolbox (except for the default mesh part)


Does this also turn my PC into a black hole aswell


Only if your pc does not support high graphics.