Tutorial: "Raycasting: Making a Laser Gun" tiny syntax error in code

At some point this line of code is explained:

local ray = Ray.new(tool.Handle.CFrame.p, (mouse.Hit.p - toolHandle.CFrame.p).unit * 300)

Problem is, toolHandle is not a variable. Later the same line of code is written as tool.Handle, which works.

Link: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


I’d just like to add to this, CFrame.p is deprecated (from what I know) and is superseded by CFrame.Position which looks a whole lot more cleaner and easier to read.


This entire article seems to be outdated because it mentions FormFactorPart.FormFactor which was deprecated in 2015 and doesn’t do anything anymore.

edit: it also uses .unit and .magnitude which were deprecated and replaced with .Unit and .Magnitude


Hi all,
The old article has been totally removed due to inaccuracy and outdated practices. It has been replaced with a new “Intro to Raycasting” article and a small demo place which you can experiment with.

Hope this helps! We’ll also be exploring more advanced topics/usages of raycasting in the future, but this intro was the first priority.


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