I did a bit of looking around on this forum and I have only been able to find things using models and not specific parts. Not really sure where to begin.
Anyway, I am wondering how I would go about making this part pivot around a specific point?
Short answer is that you can’t use TweenService to tween the lid like that because it only does linear interpolation between two CFrames and that’s just not what you’re after (the positions along the path you want form a circle arc, not a straight line).
Oh yeah good point, the article in understanding CFrame math operations requires that you need to change two CFrame values at once in order to rotate around a hinge.
hinge.CFrame = hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(1)*dt*60, 0) -- rotate the hinge
door.CFrame = hinge.CFrame * offset -- apply offset to rotated hinge
Luckily theres a trick I did in another post with a helmet which gets around this issue by creating an CFrame Instance value to change both the hinge CFrame and the CFrame of the Lid at the same time
Full Script
llocal TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Lid = script.Parent
local Info = TweenInfo.new(
local pivotHingeInitialCFrame = script.Parent.HingeAttachment.WorldCFrame
local offset = pivotHingeInitialCFrame:Inverse()*Lid.CFrame
local hingeCFrameValue = Instance.new("CFrameValue")
hingeCFrameValue.Value = pivotHingeInitialCFrame
Lid.CFrame = newHingeCFrame*offset
local function Close()
local CloseGoal = {}
CloseGoal.Value = pivotHingeInitialCFrame
local Tween = TweenService:Create(hingeCFrameValue,Info,CloseGoal)
local rotationAmount = math.rad(90)
local function Open()
local OpenGoal = {}
OpenGoal.Value = pivotHingeInitialCFrame*CFrame.Angles(rotationAmount,0,0)
local Tween = TweenService:Create(hingeCFrameValue,Info,OpenGoal)
while true do
Same concept as the article but this time uses an attachment instead of another part to represent the CFrame of the hinge:
However, I believe there should be another simpler solution that generates the offset CFrame value using something like a rig editor which generates the joints and the hinge pivot, but yeah it’s up to you.
vertical lids may sometimes refuse to be operated with HingeConstraint Servo actuator bc of their mass; also, you should keep in mind that any parts obstructing each other, such as hinges themselves, should be set to CanCollide = false; and last but not least, servo’s limits should be taken care of, bc sometimes the MeshPart comes inverted 180 degrees from the editor, and limits therefore must be inverted, too