TweenSequence Editor

I really appreciate your hard work and this plugin is something new and cool for Roblox Developers world ! Thank you for creating it !

can we get a way so that we can set like a part to tween 10 studs upwards, not towards a specific position

For this specific case (moving parts relative to other parts) I’d suggest using Roblox’s built in animation system rather than this plugin. It’s designed for exactly this case.

The other option is to make a part with an Attachment as its child, and animate the Attachment’s CFrame property, which is relative to the part that is its parent. Then to weld other parts to follow the attachment, make them children of the attachment.


mk good to know, i do use moom to animate ppl, but it wouldve been cool to do it on objects with tweening although you still can, your plugin makes its much easier to do, also thanks for making the plugin its saves me so much time

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This is absolutely amazing! I have used it many times before and I love it. I currently have an issue, though. Roblox spits out an error saying

IntroChange (the name of my tween) is not a valid member of ModuleScript "Players.cursecode.PlayerGui.IntroGui.Animator"

Here is the code I am using for using your animator for an IntroGui:

animator = script.parent.Animator

local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

local GUI = script.Parent:Clone()
GUI.Parent = PlayerGui

repeat wait(1) until game:IsLoaded()
wait (0.4)

If you could let me know why this is happening and a fix, I would really appreciate it.

You are referencing the Animator ModuleScript itself instead of requiring it.
Just replace this line:

animator = script.parent.Animator

With this:

animator = require(script.parent.Animator)


Need help setting this up.

Yep, I am a noob.

I need help setting this up, when I save the animation it does not seem to play in studio. DO I need to script something?

I also need some help on how I can loop animations.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I need help setting this up.
Can I have some support?

THIS :clap: PLUGIN :clap: IS :clap: AMAZING

Thank you so much.


This is really cool.
I’ll make sure to actually use this, thank you. :smile:

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My question is, if you can add a way to make your part tween to your parts initial cframe value times a number value, so that we can use cframe calculations with tween service

TweenService does not innately support this.
For this use case I heavily recommend you use Roblox’s built in animation system of Motor6Ds with your animator of choice like the Animation Editor or Moon suite.

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when i try and add a property it doesn’t do anything i can’t add keyframes maybe i just dont know how can someone help me?

It’s one of the best things I’ve seen in Roblocks. Brush tool, and this thing. It’s just top notch. It has to come with roblox studio and the good life and candy bar. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Second day using the plugin. It’s great.
Very much missing the recommendation window. Well, or some kind of autocomplete.
Sketched a design, simple and in the style of roblox studio. Is there anything I can do to help develop the plugin? I can make up some kind of window.


I wrote an autocomplete module. It is very lacking. Will it be useful?

Can’t move animated model but the model get back to original annimation position

This is the intended behavior.

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Mm I think you actually could use CFrame calculations alongside tweens based on what this post says:

It would be really great if you could implent this within your plugin.

You need to require the module with a path such as:

local foo = require(script.parent.Animator)

And then play it by using “:Play()”:


And in this case the animation is named “BlockAnimation”.

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