Typing in the script editor is extremely slow in macOS

Are you sure that the issue has to do with macOS Big Sur?

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Yes. I used to use Windows 10 and this has never happened.

What have you already done to try and fix the problem?

I don’t think this has anything to do with macOS Big Sur, I use it and it’s perfectly fine. Maybe check your roblox studio settings?

I’ve reinstalled ROBLOX 3 times, reset my settings 5 times, I’ve tried out this method, and still no work.

Are you using an Apple Silicon Mac? Rosetta 2 might be causing the issue. Roblox isn’t natively supported on Apple Silicon Macs yet.

Do you mean M1 Macbook? Yes, I’m using an M1 Macbook Air Big Sur.

Change quality from studio settings

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Okay, that might be the issue.

Yeah, I did it a million times.

Ah, I see. Do you know when M1 will be supported by studios?

Nope, not until Roblox reacts to the Apple Silicon transition.

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sigh… Well, I wonder they would do that.

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Knowing them, they will not do it for a while.

Same happens on windows,if you keep roblox minmized in taskbar

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If you minimize it in macOS, does the same thing happen?

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Maybe,i dont have a mac,did the same with my ubuntu based on the mac frame work i think so

I have mine minimized at all times or it will be harder to use. It’s because when you zoom in on mac, it sends you to another desktop which is frustrating.

That might be the problem then.

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