Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread [Closed]

Broken formatting:
(I believe this was supposed to be a header)
And use of deprecated member magnitude on a sample:

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Random:NextNumber uses a square bracket then ends with a parentheses.

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Vector2Int16 is misspelled as “Vector2int16ector2”

Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 7.59.35 PM

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Useful is misspelled as “Userful”

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That’s not actually a typo. Using a square bracket in math implies that that number is included in the range and using a parenthesis means that that number is not included, so the range can only go up to just below that number. So Random:NextNumber(0,1), will actually generate numbers in the range of 0-0.9999999 because of its behavior.


Seems that a verb is missing in the second paragraph of the linked section:

It should say “When that function is called, GuiService.AutoSelectGuiEnabled is disabled and the value is stored for later use.”

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It would be better if you referred to the technology options with what they’re actually called, i.e. Compatibility, ShadowMap, Voxel, and Future.

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It would be better if you referred to the technology options with what they’re actually called, i.e. Compatibility, ShadowMap, Voxel, and Future.

GuiButton.MouseButton1Down Page

It starts describing the wrong event (it should say MouseButton1Down):

The MouseButton2Down event fires when the user presses their left Mouse button down on the GUI object.

Afterward, it mentions to use MouseButton2Click as an alternative for pressing and releasing the left mouse button for the event to fire, but MouseButton1Click event should be used for left clicks:

"If you are looking for an event requiring the user to press and release their left mouse on a GUI in order for the event to fire, consider using GuiButton.MouseButton2Click.

GuiButton.MouseButton2Down Page

The MouseButton2Down event is used for right clicks, but the page says to use it for the left mouse button:

The MouseButton2Down event fires when the user presses their left Mouse button down on the GUI object.

GuiButton.MouseButton2Click Page

It starts describing the wrong event (it should say MouseButton2Click):

The MouseButton1Click event fires when the user’s Mouse fully right clicks the GUI button.

Grammar on print at Lua Globals is wrong

It should say; however, the __tostring metamethod is still fired if the table has one


In the code example, it says

print(attributeName, “changed”)

It should be

print(attributeName, "changed")
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At Sound.RollOffMode, the third line of the description says “Thee following options are available.” instead of “The following options are available.”

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It should be " or ', and not **. That is not a string type in the Enum example.

Page: Type Coercion | Roblox Creator Documentation

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The spelling is inconsistent, as it switches between British and American English.

It first uses the British English spelling of the word “behavior” that has a u in it.


And then it switches to the American Spelling without the u.


This causes a lot of confusion since the DevHub is always in American English.

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The CameraRelative enum has been duplicated, with the second field replacing the MovementRelative enum.

(it’d be also nice if those descriptions for the enum page weren’t blank :+1:)

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Needs update documentation for PlayerDisplayNamesEnabled and WhisperByDisplayName.

API in Studio atm (taken in December):


The CFrame API page uses :inverse() instead of :Inverse() in the mathematic explanation of the methods.




CoordinateFrame (deprecated) instead of CFrame:

Uses a deprecated “Message” class:


Plus and minus symbols in left of code sample. It looks like it was copied and pasted from GitHub, which has plus and minus symbols next to code changes. Lines 21-24 and 48-51.

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Can confirm that this typo has not been fixed yet :confused:

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