Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

Someone forgot a closing apostrophe in TextChannel:AddUserAsync().

This is resolved now, thank you!


Thank you for calling this to our attention. I have alerted the appropriate team, and this should be resolved shortly.


Great catch, thank you very much for reporting. You should see this change shortly.


I noticed on the documentation page for Proximity Prompts, the events Triggered and TriggeredEnded are listed as PromptTriggered and PromptTriggeredEnded respectively. Auto-completion and the object browser suggest that the former are the correct event names.

I was looking through the Developer Exchange FAQs and noticed that the link in the first step to getting to the Developer Exchange Cashout Page is written incorrectly, which leads players into “https://create.roblox.com.” instead of “https://create.roblox.com”.

That extra dot at the end of the URL breaks the website and nothing works, even though it looks normal.

Took me a few minutes to figure out there was an extra dot at the end of the URL lol


Thank you, I have alerted the appropriate team.


Thank you for this catch! I am updating this page right now, so the change should be live soon.


In the Tool documentation it says that “Tools will normally trigger the Tool.Activated event when the player releases the left mouse button, while the tool is equipped.”

However, the Tool.Activated event is actually triggered when the player presses the left mouse button. The Tool.Deactivated event is triggered when the player subsequently releases the mouse button.

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Minor error in the Concatenation example on the operator page Operators | Roblox Creator Documentation at the Compound Assignment examples.

The correct new value of X should be “3 World!”.


It appears to have 9 after 8 even though there’s only g, h


@fletc3her, @FoundForces, @VSCPlays great catches! These should be updated in the next documentation update.


found another one, it’s “what function to call” not “what function to call”


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It should be the other way around to be honest. function and not what function to call. I can’t tell if this is what you saw in your image because you’ve covered it up in this blue box or something.

It’s just showing that the number is lost because it’s not assigning to something.

i highlighted it to show proof, and I saw what function to call instead of function

Quotation mark typo in line five of the backpack documentation sample script

Appreciate it @VSCPlays, @bluebxrrybot, @Bobytoeburrito - I’ll take a look at these.

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Start of line 2 for the example for LocalTransparencyModifier has an error in the commenting

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In the Character Pathfinding article, under Pathfinding Links, it still shows that pathfinding links are a beta feature, despite this feature being out of beta for about 8 months.

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Instance.DescendantRemoving event was written Instance.DescendantRemoved.

Link: Instance | Roblox Creator Documentation