Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

On the TextBox documentation under FocusLost

TextBox.Focus isn’t an event of TextBox , it should be TextBox.Focused.


In Intro to For Loops, the same sentence is written twice.

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Would be handy to include a link to the Task Scheduler page from here.

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@Uzixt and @ProgrammerOnCoffee Thank you for flagging these! Your recommended changes are live!

@mothmage Agreed, excellent point. This change is now live!


This may not be very fitting of the thread, but thought this would be helpful to share; for the CFrame page

RightVector, UpVector, and LookVector are columns:

Which is further confirmed to be the case within the extra information detailing them in the below image, however, the listed Vector3 formatting for them is incorrect, and treats them as if they were representing rows

UpVector, for example, should be written instead as Vector3.new(r01, r11, r21), for columns are vertical arrangements, in contrast to rows being horizontal (e.g. XVector, YVector and ZVector)

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on the events documentation page, there are a couple typos I noticed while reading through

(missing the 2nd L in “additionally”)

(should say “in response to a certain built-in event”)

(should say “limitations that apply to the arguments”, I believe)

(says both “the” and “an” when referring to an aynchronous event)


There is a typo in this document Inverse Kinematics | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub under the heading “Elbow” it says “1. In the Explorer, locate your model’s LowerLeftArm and click the ⊕ button.”, it should say “LeftLowerArm”.

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In the same document under the same heading, there is another typo. it says “c. Set the LeftElbowContraint.Attachment0 property to this new attachment.”, it should say “LeftElbowConstraint”, not “LeftElbowContraint”.


Thank you for reporting, @Rainbow_Derp @webkinz52 @bytesleuth - these issues have been updated now, changes should go live within a few days!


All of these links have codes that contain indentation errors.


Not a correction, but I think this thread should be pinned for easier discovery

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Minor Edit

How the emitter should look?


On the ContextActionService page in the “Action Bindings Stack” paragraph the text “ContextActionResult.Pass” should read “Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass” and similarly for “ContextActionResult.Sink” which should read “Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink”.

The values are shown correctly in the code samples (like below) but not in the description above.


Line 3 says oserInputService.AccelerometerEnable

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Hi, thank you for reporting. This is actually an expected behavior for all enums.

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Thank you for reporting, @Quwanterz @0Tenth @corehimself @mothmage - these issues have been updated now, and changes should go live now or within a few days!

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pathfindinglink has its code sample wrong by doing a typo of IsBidirectional

NumberRange has a hyperlink for Max but not Min

Script says its default content is “Hello, world” while it is actually “Hello World!”

Documentation for the .LocalTransparencyModifier features incorrect math in the examples.


Edit: After doing some more testing, the formula should be leaning more into this:

clientTransparency = 1 - ((1 - part.Transparency) * (1 - part.LocalTransparencyModifier))
1 - ((1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0)) = 1 - (0.5 * 1) = 1 - .5 = 0.5
1 - ((1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.5)) = 1 - (0.5 * 0.5) = 1 - 0.25 = 0.75
1 - ((1 - 0.5) * (1 - 1)) = 1 - (0.5 * 0) = 1 - 0 = 1

In Solid Modeling, there’s a typo in the section In-Experience Solid Modeling.

“moderling” should be spelled as “modeling”.

Next, in Data Model:

There’s a typo in the Replication section.

Either change it to “from the server to client” or “between the server and client”.

Also on the Data Model page, there’s a grammatical error in the Client section, Teams subsection.

The first “Teams” uses a singular verb, while the second one uses a plural verb.
The second verb should be singular because we usually refer to Teams as “the Teams service”.

Therefore, change “assign” to “assigns”.

Still on the Data Model page, there’s an error in the VoiceChatService subsection of the Chat section.

We can choose to remove the words “the service” from the sentence.

VoiceChatService represents the service the proximity-based voice chat feature that simulates realistic…

Alternatively, we can make an appositive phrase by adding commas or parentheses around “the proximity-based voice chat feature”.

VoiceChatService represents the service, the proximity-based voice chat feature, that simulates realistic…

Thank you for reading through this.