UGC Catalog is Now Live!

They plan on just making sure you’re not a bot and can properly create assets.

I believe they will use an automated system to filter out candidates, before being manually approved.


What I’m saying is that it should be manually approved for a long while before they move over to any sort of automated system. People have already called the UGC catalog ‘abused’, just imagine how it would be if we implemented an automated system right now. An automated system and then manually being approved by an admin would be better to control this but still could create the same ripple effect as just having an automated system (if ROBLOX Staff pick someone who aren’t actually up to the standards that we need this early in this feature). I hope they pick the best people possible in this early stage, and I’m sure they will, but there’s always a chance of making the wrong decision.


It’s not being abused at all. Everyone who currently has access to UGC is a very well known and trusted member of the community and has worked with Roblox several times.

When they do roll it out to the public, there will be the appropriate safeguards. They don’t want it to end up like the shirt catalog. (Quote from RDC)


They are trusted members of the ROBLOX community, I understand that, but you aren’t getting my point. If, and the key word is “if”, in the future they put a user in UGC that may push the envelope too far or make a hat that can be considered offensive and/or cause public outcry from players then we need to be able to prevent that from happening in the first place. This isn’t a perfect world, stuff happens, stuff slips past moderators. It’s happened countless times on the site (decals, shirts, audios, ect). UGC is something that should require manual approval for a long amount of time before we move over to an automated system once this is fully released.

Also, what are you saying about the catalog not being abused? I personally don’t think it was (that is why I put it in quotes), but there has been community outcry on one of the first days UGC was live because of the Typical Texan Tycoonist hat.

  1. The hat was off sale at the time and was only able to be put on by WhoToTrus (the hats creator).

  2. The hat height was looked at as a game breaking accessory. It could have affected in-game experience of people who bought and wore the hat (like hat stud limit and possibly even hitboxes). That’s why it took so long to go on sale in the first place.

Now, I don’t believe Trus really did anything wrong, it was a funny gag. I’m wearing the hat right now for God’s sake. Yet, we need to prevent hats that can cause public outrage or break gameplay for users who buy them. UGC is something that has to be safe, and keeping it that you have to be manually approved will be the safest bet right now.


The hat was off sale so QA could very it didn’t do this. The system worked fine in this case. People are mildly peeved but I’m certain they understand it could have had really bad ramifications.

Then they’d be kicked from UGC and face moderation action, just like any other rule violation?


Let me say this right now, what your saying is exactly what I’m saying. Stop taking what I say out of context to further your personal opinion, because at the end of the day that’s what you’re doing. When it comes to game breaking hats, you can look back to what I said under the 2nd point I made. I specifically said “That’s why it took so long to go on sale in the first place” and “The hat height was looked at as a game breaking accessory”. I was talking about QA testing having to be taken place. I never said that it was off-sale for any other sort of reason, I was saying for that reason with a more understandable context. About the inappropriate hats, we need to prevent that as much as we can, especially this early into the feature. I’m not saying they wouldn’t get banned, who said that they wouldn’t? I was saying that events like these should be prevented, furthering why I think that extra precautions and a longer term of manual acceptance should take place before we can even introduce an automated system.


I think they are just making fun of me at this point


Don’t really know much about UGC but, i believe ONLY Modelers/Texturers should have access to it. There should be a strictly enforced rule about copying accessories with Value or re-texturing them. Just so limiteds keep their value


It seems that the price limit (120) has been cut in half as the price limit is now 60.


Just about! Roblox API shows that it’s actually been lowered to 50! The max however is still 5000.


Oh, thanks for telling me but how do you find all those API stuff?


The link spread around the community shortly before the first batch of UGC items released. How whichever user originally discovered the link found it, I’m not sure.


Are there plans to make it so people can’t upload low-quality hats? Thete have been several hats uploaded that are extremely low effort (on Twitter I saw someone remake one of them in around a minute, including texturing) and I don’t like the thought that these are allowed and encouraged.


Hats that are “bad” do have their own charm and appeal to them. Sure, they look terrible, but that’s the point. If anything, the fact that Bethink made the decision to design such hats is uniquely creative and amusing. If people don’t buy them, then Bethink probably won’t make them.

Why do people watch The Room? Because it’s great… At being bad.


Charming or not, they look terrible and I don’t think anyone wants them to be some of the first things people will see if they go looking through the catalog.


What’s with these extremely low quality items? It would be a shame if it’ll become hard to find good looking UGC (much like the shirt/pant catalog) if the UGC Catalog becomes flooded with these types of items.


I mean, sure they are low quality but they have a charm to it, thus getting people to buy it. However, I prefer the catalog only being for high quality items. I am sure most of you would agree too.


Naturally, this is a bad way of thinking. UGC is currently in a testing phase so anything anyone makes is going to end up on the front page. It would be the same way if about 25 people could only make games on Roblox.

Once more people are making items, it will balance itself out. Also, a lot of people are buying some of the items you see as “terrible” so it is safe to assume that many people actually like them and are against the idea of banning them.


I’ve seen people seriously advocating for people to just upload an untextured and unmeshed part as a hat. That doesn’t mean people should be allowed to do that.

It would be one thing if it were just one or two hats like this but the number seems to be rapidly expanding, all from the same creator. It feels insulting to everyone who’s put actual effort into their hats to put a cube with a 30 second drawing on the same level as their creations.


What other people are advocating for is completely irrelevant to the discussion and push for quality control in the catalog.

I mean sometimes I’ll release something and it doesn’t do too well. It’s not a great feeling, but does that mean Roblox should start banning all the competition so I feel better? Of course not! Feelings are completely irrelevant here.

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