UGC Panel - Roblox Event

Greetings developers!

UGC Panel is here!
Over 15-20 amazing 3D modelers would be brought up to a Panel discussion where we discuss about the UGC system, the journey of being a UGC creator and modeling stories! Learn about tips and tricks over modeling and how one can approach a tremendous start over this important field of Roblox Development.

Due to some unavoidable circumstances the event has to be on June 24th (But hey, it is on my birthday!). I am going to make it up to you guys :wink:

RSVP Here - See UGC Panel at Roblox AceDevArnav

Wish to interact with the panelists and other members? Join up Ace Events!
Discord :-

Ace Events - Event Server! (The event will take place here!)

See you in the summer! :sun_with_face:


Itโ€™s cool UGC already like news hat there


Thatโ€™s a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed. We would be hosting many more panel events soon!