UGC permissions ban loop

I submitted some pants which were falsely banned, these were for the new deathwalker bundle and roblox automod must have detected it and banned it incorrectly. I filed a ticket to get this resolved, they resolved this and approved the item however my UGC perms were still revoked for 14 days.
I was told to make a new ticket regarding my ugc perm removal and provide the asset ID from the support portal. I did this and once again they said they approved my item and to make a new ticket regarding my perms being removed.
I thought I would just wait out the 14 day ban because of this loop, but after 13 days, on the last day the ugc perm removal went back to 14 days and the cycle repeated, I’ve made at least 5 tickets regarding this.

Expected behavior

I expect when an accessory is approved that was originally revoked, it should amend any moderation actions taken on the account as a result of it being originally revoked.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi Ash!

Do you mind providing the asset id that you mentioned is now approved again?

Also, from now on, please use the Appeals Portal to appeal any assets you think are incorrectly moderated. Here’s the link! Login



Hey Cheesewu, Thank you for the reply.

some context regarding my tickets and how I’m making them:
I have been using this exact portal that you’ve linked, the asset is never displayed there so I click the “support, appeal something that is not shown”
once I do that I provide the asset id’s (these are the ones that were previously revoked: 16596354785, 16596232708, 16596212621.)
After that they approve the accessories and tell me to make a new ticket to get my UGC perms back.
I’ve done this several times and they ask me to make a ticket every time.



I’ve been facing a similar issue regarding a ban loop, unfortunately mine has lasted 3 months and on going.
My accessories were moderated months ago now but they are still causing me to lose my perms to this day. Every few days later I get another 1 day ban and the timer resets and it goes back to a 14 day permission revoke.

I’ve made several tickets but they never answer my question of how to get my ugc perms back, my accessories have been moderated for around 5-6 months now so it doesn’t make sense why I’m still facing this months later and still getting my ban timer reset everytime it’s about to be over. So far, I have 9 moderation actions regarding this(2 warns, 1 day ban 7 times each causing permission revoke).


Posting on behalf of my business partner @bean0man. He has the same issue, and is being given the same response from “Xander” that Ash showed in his reply. The ban was given from asset ID 16767385426 being moderated, however it was restored.

Despite it being restored, the UGC suspension is not removed, and when asking support to simply do their job we have been told to make a new ticket (making a new ticket clearly does nothing at all).

We work with brands and have deliverables that we have signed contracts to be uploaded on-time, it is non-negotiable for this issue to be corrected immediately.

Note that all of the below replies came from the same ticket, ticket number can be provided if needed.


Posting on behalf of @prokorbor

“I’ve also been having the same issue of my revoked access just being looped. My items keep on getting deleted with no roblox message at all or even an email. When I try to appeal these items or attempt to talk to support about my suspension loop they just state that they are unable to assist me further. I just want my permissions to upload user generated content to be back. I dont know why but it just goes back to 7 day restriction at about 1-2 days left of the ban.”


Hey Cheesewu,
Is there any follow up to this?

its about to be 28 days for me, I’ve lost a great deal of income due to this and its getting quite upsetting

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for your patience! For those of you who have had appeals for avatar accessories approved but still have revoked access, please reply to this post with the following information:

  • User Id of the account with revoked creation access
  • Asset Ids of the appealed avatar accessories

Note that after this process, you might still have creation access removed if there are other items that have been moderated.


Thank you for the reply,

This is the User Id: 21063444
and these are the assets I’ve appealed
Assets Appealed:
16596354785, 16596232708, 16596212621

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User ID: 132967
Appealed asset ID: 16767385426

Thanks for the help. If this could be resolved today/tomorrow that would be fantastic, we have brand deliverables overdue.

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Hi Ash and Maxxell,

I’ve removed the creation revocation items on the items provided. I also double-checked your upload permissions:

  • Ash: You should be able to upload now.
  • Maxxell: The user you linked still has penalties for other items they’ve created. I’ve removed the penalty for asset id 16767385426, but that doesn’t change the current penalty they are facing.

The upload penalty came from that batch of items, with the first item moderated being 16767385426, so I’m not understanding where the disconnect is. The 1 day ban from the items has already come and gone, there should not be any other penalty.

Regardless, this doesn’t change the fact that after the penalty “expires” it never actually does and instead loops. @pxrplewater has been battling with support for this issue for months. I have no such desire to do so.

Being that we have signed contracts with brands and have overdue deliverables, can you please make an exception here and remove the restriction?

The other asset that was moderated in this batch was 16767405526, however it is identical to two other identical copies that were approved, 16767403207 and 16767408669. Multiple copies were uploaded due to users abusing the European Digital Services Act form to request deletion of items. I have never had one of those items not be approved before and I have many different colours and styles of them on the catalog.

Edit: we just had another item deleted via children abusing the European support form, the item in question is… a rainbow teapot. Can this be looked into as well and restored please? Thank you. Asset ID is 16010181734.

Edit #2: we are being targeted further by children abusing the European support form to file DSA reports. Asset IDs 16010174070, 16072100005, 16490366361, 15685641182. Can something be done about this? It’s a bit ridiculous at this point.


Hi Maxxell,

Thanks for the reply! Sounds like you have three separate questions:

  1. Does the creation revocation penalty system work correctly?
    Yep, it works correctly! If you’re experiencing a “ban loop”, it’s probably because another of your items were moderated before your original penalty was up, causing your penalty to reset.

  2. Can we help look into assets that you believe were incorrectly moderated?
    Feel free to use the Appeals Portal or file another support ticket for these assets!

  3. Can we help look into potential abuse regarding item takedowns?
    I saw another post about this recently, so any follow-ups will be in that thread.

Since Ash’s concerns have been addressed, I’ll mark this as complete.


All assets that were targeted by abuse of the Euro support form have been appealed, yet bean0man still has a UGC suspension. I need this looked into again, today. Thanks in advance.


Hello my access was just revoked for uploading ears!
User ID: 1181168087
Assets Appealed:
17758023202, 17758182706, 17758193600

I got the exaclty same problem and roblox send me the same mail as you and i also got revoked permission for : Spam

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i don’t know how to end this hell but i cannot change any description of my items and any price and i can’t upload anymore

I really need roblox administrators help to solve this problem !