UGC Program: Updates to avatar bodies and heads + opening up creation

only the roblox account should be able to publish free stuff. good idea


“which you’d know if you haven’t been living under a rock!” I would absolutely not give them that benefit of a doubt, they know, they know fully and welly that their UGC catalog is full of exact 1:1 copies of limited items, I’m glad they atleast aren’t going to be releasing Public UGC “Later this year” with how absolutely barebones the moderation is in place currently, but I hope by the time they do release Public UGC the moderation will atleast be actually competent and not barely doing anything at all (like how it is right now)


Public UGC in general is a horrible idea especially in the current state of the market. Even with the measurements they’ll put in place, I just can’t see how it’d work the way they envision.


Guess im done with this absolute bullcrap these updates have been bringing since RDC. I have been getting burnt out and actually depressed over recent changes, and this just puts the nail in the coffin. Now i have to risk spending 750 on an avatar body OR a head that WILL get rejected wihout a reason, and i can’t make actually interseting heads with having to need 15 facial mappings. Thank you very much roblox.

I wonder where “allowing anyone to express themself” went…


Yea, I just hate how Roblox is like “We know what’s BEST for our consumers!” despite the fact they very clearly do not understand a majority of their players still use R6 Bodies and 2D Faces and clothing.

Also about the “so they can disable the facial animation” Roblox does plan on having a toggle for the face having animation or not, but thats the thing, they “plan” and not “you can do that right now”

tl;dr layered clothing, classic clothing, 2d faces, 3d faces should co-exist with each other, Roblox does NOT know what their players want, they should stop pretending like they do.


and also them charging more for the same face but in 3D is so greedy.


Oh yeah, completely forgot about how you can upload something BEFORE it gets approved, that actually kind of ruins this.

With how strict UGC is and the lack of proper validation in Studio it usually takes a few uploads to get an item past moderation, and sometimes it’ll get removed even after. My 2.0 bundle got taken down once and took a couple reuploads to get working. The fee would’ve made the process even more painful


Yeah pretty much. Im fed up enough with these changes. I already lost all motivation i had towards UGC. As if it already wan’t my only source of income on this forsaken platform with fees worse compared to everywhere else. “powering imagination”, more like “powering wallets” at this point


Roblox is taking a dark turn here… And it’s not the 12 am thoughts.


Its like, I see some potential in Public UGC, DEFINITELY I repeat DEFINITELY not at the moment with the market just being generally unmoderated with a sea of 1:1 copies of pre-existing limiteds, but I feel like if Roblox actually stepped on the ball and made their UGC Moderation actually competent so blatant 1:1 knockoffs, IP Infringing assets, and other inappropriate stuff aren’t being accepted on a daily basis, Public UGC could have a chance.


Of course I’m not holding my tongue for this to happen, its Roblox so I am expecting none of this to happen. :snooze:

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Ok. :heart:
No more rip-offs.
I’m glad to see updates.


@Roblox I have a proposition to make so it’s convincing to the customers to still buy the bundles. Is this fair?:

Can you give the ability to lower the price ceiling to 30 Robux instead of 75 Robux and the upload fee to 250 Robux instead of 750 Robux?

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The price floor is a major disappointment, the free bundles allowed for a much wider variety of avatars on the platform as many users would rather spend their robux on gamepasses rather than on their avatars so the variety of player avatars was lacking for a very long time before the free avatar bundles.


The price floor is needed because of the low margins, I’m more concerned about the upload fee.


Do we still need $10 premium before December to upload things or is that being pushed back as well?

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At this point, you can just say “we want money.” There’s literally no other technical or reasonable explanation for this kind of thing. You aren’t even trying to hide the corporate nature of these changes. :roll_eyes:


I don’t agree with the transparent body parts decision. Its easy for developers to check for invisible body parts and set them to opaque, you can even add custom hit boxes in games where you need to target a character. But restricting the creation and wearing of these body types hurts creativity, and immersion in games (like rpgs) that do not need all body parts visible.


A market floor protects the UGC market.
Tbh I wish it was a bit higher…

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It gets even better. Edit: It finally got removed. Only took 1 day.