Ugh_Lily's Admin Panel [Open Source] [updated]

Love the UI style, it would be good if you could add a dark mode.


Use the place I provided, it’s done for you.
(Panel Fixed.rbxl (68.7 KB))

@Sublivion I just added it to my game (I was on holiday). I’ve noticed that once you reset that Panel can no longer be accessed. Advice?

I never noticed this because my games have ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn set to false. I’ll edit the code now in my original reply.

Thank you man. You’re rare you are.

Is it set up for GroupAdmin as well. It doesn’t seem to appear.

Yes, it uses the same function as the rest of the admin panel to determine who is an admin

Any chance you can help me? I added it to the same place, exactly as it should be. But the Panel doesn’t appear, nor does the +

It doesn’t work. Now it doesn’t appear at all. F.

I made a simple error in the code (it’s hard to do this kind of thing on mobile), should be fixed now. Let me know if there’s any more issues. I’ll test it myself tonight.

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Unfortunately it still isn’t visible. Would you like to see F9?

I’ll fix it later tonight otherwise we could be talking about it like this forever

Alrighty! Could you @ me when it’s resolved?

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I really love this Admin Gui. I am currently using it in my game, and it is great! I would make the Text on the top a bit bolder.

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@The_Marshlet works fine for me, here’s an rbxm. Make sure you’re in a live game.
AdminPanel.rbxm (24.7 KB)

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I’ve looked at the settings, and you could improve it.

1: The owner of the game can choose who they want access to commands. Just click “Admin” and they can choose who to become admin.

2: Add more commands, it won’t be perfect enough to restrict and protect games. Add other commands such as permanent ban, warning, etc.

3: Add fun commands, we don’t need just work. We still need play. Add commands such as invisible, health, fly, kill, etc. They can still be abused but detectors still abuse. Add an admin abuse detector to avoid abuse. If admin abuse happens in a server it should detect and server kick the player who abused.

4: Add a Help menu. A help menu is where you get help on everything about the Admin Panel. Also add an Information menu giving out information about the admin panel and how it works.

5: Add an Contact Us tab. You can change the phone number to anything, this will be good for when users need help but the help and info tab is not working and they need a human.

6: Add a user info tab, telling you info about your account. Only you can see that info and people trying to leak that will get perma banned.

7: Add a rules tab, with all the rules about the Admin Panel. The creator may change them by editing the script.


No using it to abuse. We do have fun commands but do not abuse!

No using it to troll or bully. We do not accept.

Don’t Perma ban unless the severity is super high. The head admins will tell you when you can perma ban.

Don’t use it to hurt feelings

Don’t use it for no reason, we have rules for a reason. Unless you really need to don’t use commands to avoid mass abuse.

Don’t give out admin for raids if you are Head Admin.

Don’t mass give out admin. Not allowed, period

These are rules I could think of.

If you add these ideas I told you - I bet people will be ready. Also one more thing, add an commands tab you can access by saying the prefix then with no space commands (abbreviation cmds if you don’t understand) Oh and, the commands tab will tell you all the commands!

If Ugh_Lily is reading this. I hope you add these into this perfect admin panel!

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It still disappears upon respawn. Shall I add you to my games team create? I’m so confused lmao.

My username is The_Marshlet. Send me a friend request and i’ll add you.



So am I just going to need to re-download the Panel you posted?

I replaced the code in my original reply with the fixed code. Just add a wait() before calling addGui().

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