Ugh_Lily's Admin Panel [Open Source] [updated]

It’s working now! Thank you so much!

All of these are great suggestions. I left it mostly empty so users could customize it to their own wishes. I really like your 6th suggestion, and I wish I thought of that when I was making it. If you want to make a customized version of it, you can go right ahead, I’d be happy to update the post to include it if you want.

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I would think that’s a fantastic idea! Keep up the good work! Love the Panel!

  1. Do bans sync between servers instantly?

  2. Can you sync this with more than 1 game (I have 3 games and if I switched to this system it would be good if the bans synced between all 3 games)

  3. If number 2 isn’t a thing can you make something like that?

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  1. I believe so, however do not quote me.
  2. I do not know, however, this will be tested tonight or tomorrow for you
  3. Let’s find out!

EDIT: For number 2) You would probably have to sue the same Datastore.

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Can you add the ability to start the panel closed please, it can get annoying with it starting open

This most likely does not work anymore (at least i can’t get it to work…)
I really like the style and just everything about the panel. Can you get this working again? Another thing: Is there a way you can send me a script to do auto-fill on the textboxes, as I cannot figure that out myself :confused:

Tell me how it’s broken? As for it autofilling, that needs more than just a script, you’d want to redesign the TextBoxes to support it. Here’s a demo on how to do it.

AutofillExample.rbxmx (9.9 KB)

Code for people who don’t want to download:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local CurrentPlayers = Players:GetPlayers()
local CurrentLength = #CurrentPlayers

local Gui = script.Parent
local AutofillExample = Gui.AutofillExample
local PseudoText = AutofillExample.PseudoText
local AutofillText = PseudoText.AutofillText

local function FindFirstPlayer(String)
	local Length = #String

	for _, Player in ipairs(CurrentPlayers) do
		if string.sub(string.lower(Player.Name), 1, Length) == String then
			return Player

local function PropertyChanged()
	-- Lowercase the text, remove non-username characters, and limit the length to 20.
	local LowerText = string.sub((string.gsub(string.lower(AutofillExample.Text), "[^%w_]+", "")), 1, 20)
	AutofillExample.Text = LowerText
	PseudoText.Text = LowerText

	if #LowerText > 0 then
		local FoundPlayer = FindFirstPlayer(LowerText)
		if FoundPlayer then
			AutofillText.Text = string.lower(FoundPlayer.Name)
			AutofillText.Text = LowerText
		AutofillText.Text = ""


	CurrentLength = CurrentLength + 1
	CurrentPlayers[CurrentLength] = Player

	local Index = table.find(CurrentPlayers, Player)
	if Index then
		CurrentPlayers[Index] = CurrentPlayers[CurrentLength]
		CurrentPlayers[CurrentLength] = nil
		CurrentLength = CurrentLength - 1

-- For safety reasons, I don't trust PlayerAdded.
CurrentPlayers = Players:GetPlayers()
CurrentLength = #CurrentPlayers

I can once I get a response from the person below you.

Thank you so much for that script :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I figured out that i did something wrong by mistake :sob:
I’m sorry for wasting your time on that question, but have a great day :heart:

I love it!! The GUI is simple yet so elegant. Can’t wait to use this. :+1:

Updated the module. Redid a good bit of it to be not as terrible.

require(4779589192)() to install it, I’ll update the place as well.

If you’re using group stuff, it now is {GroupId = 123456, RankId = 50} instead of {GroupID = 123456, RankID = 50}.

Place is updated!


So what is the full script that i need for the require(4779589192)()

Just put that in your command bar at the bottom.

if I do that is it gonna run the gui when the game is published publically

It is nice however everyone can use it bypassing the if statement

What do you mean by that? I know it’s not secure, and I could rewrite it to be a little better when I find time.

Wanted to know, is there implemented any way to make the announcement for everyone in server?

Is it not already? That’s weird.

Just in case you thought, yes I can send an announcement for every player in server, I add the name and etc, sorry but I havent explained what was my question, what I mean, is like, if there is any form, that I can make one announcement for everyone in server at the same time, example:

:announcement Welcome players!

And everyone sees it at the same time, if there is, how can I use it?