Ugh_Lily's Admin Panel [Open Source] [updated]

I didn’t even know about this. Thanks for telling me, I might do a GUI for this if I feel like it.

Thank you I will be sure to use this.

I think that’s built in, just don’t enter the name at all.

Thanks, I hope your panel gets more attention!

@howmanysmaII I have a question, how do you make the require code? Like all the scripts into a simple code? Also, I really like the admin panel, but when you kick somebody, why does it say “ERROR: Missing player”?

What do you mean? You can insert the file into Studio and check for yourself, it’s pretty self explanatory, although I should document it.

Or, does the kick code does not work because I am trying to kick myself? I tried banning myself and that worked. (Now I am banned from my own game till tomorrow) And about the require code, how do you make it?

Glad there’s a new admin panel. I was so tired of seeing games use the same admin panel with the fattest watermark.

Well done :+1:

Check the code. It basically iterates over the children, which are named after the service the children should be placed in, then iterates over their children and places them accordingly.

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So I was playing around with it and I banned myself and I asked my friend to unbanned me but he came across to the unban button not working. Is anyone else having this issue?


Yes, I had to remake my game because of it…

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use datastore editor to unban urself lol

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This admin panel is so nice and modern! I am loving it.

Also question, why does the admin panel be publicly visible to everyone? Can the “+” button be only visible to the admins?

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You could modify it using GroupService’s Api. Wouldn’t be too hard.

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Where can I find this code; I’d like to check it out?

it’s not available anywhere that i can remember