Uh, Roblox? Theres a way to 100% PERFECTLY bypass the chat filter. Something needs to be done

I’m sure this has been re-posted by many people. But this is a serious problem.

Roblox does not seem safe anymore. I see people getting on alts, and using a website that puts dots under your characters. And chat filter cannot detect them. Allowing for LITTERLY ANYTHING to be chatted.

It’s so bad to the point where I can’t even discus what these people are saying. It’s bad.

Example usage of bypassing message:


See those dots under the letters? That lets anything get through. Roblox you must do something. And yes I know this has been re-posted, but I really want Roblox to take action against this.


i’ve never actually seen dots under characters. this isn’t even the worst one. in roblox’s chat, without any third-party software or anything, you can simply type “e<x<a<m<p<l<e” with every letter in a word separated by a “<” and it will not get flagged. this issue exists entirely on roblox’s end, and it’s insane that they haven’t patched it after months.


Yeah, that one is also pretty bad. Alot of them are.


Thats not the only bypass

I saw videos of exploiters using scripts that turns their message into other characters that look the same to avoid getting filtered completely which sometimes look like a completely normal message but not filtered making it possible for slurs, links etc

Roblox failed to fix this issue it seems like


True, exploiters can do that as well. Its honestly crazy.

I’m not even sure if Roblox is failing to fix these, or there just flat-out NOT fixing this.

I think the bypass-able fonts are the worst because ALL players have access to them.


The chat filter is also outdated like it blocks .com links but it doesn’t censore .gg or other links im pretty sure

It also blocks “Twitter” but not “X”. Sure people can argue that its just a letter but people use it without needing to bypass anything while moderation doesnt do anything


They need to patch this soon, i have even seen some people write banned words with no care and not be banned at all, like the full words, and not even a warning, well only if they get reported


Roblox needs to do something about this. They said Roblox is a “safe game” even though it is very easy to bypass very innapropriate stuff. I dont think Roblox even cares about its safety they only care about money.


I’m beginning to think that too, I think they just want to bribe more and more players into their game. I feel like they don’t care about the community like at all anymore.


this would need to be posted in bug reports otherwise the engineers wont notice


its more of an exploit but yeah you have a point


If they had implemented an advanced AI for chat filtering rather than a mere complex algorithm, I’m sure it would catch far more attempts at bypassing. This would of course be more expensive financially and computationally, but they have already implemented several AIs for development so it should be within their power.


yes, that’s true, but then again, AI does make stupid mistakes sometimes.

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True, but can anything really be dumber than the Roblox chat filter :thinking:


Thats true. Honestly I’ve seen way too many people get banned for 3 to 7 days for say these kinds of words:

  • Hi
  • Yes
  • No
  • Stop

And much more of these stupid bans that at this point it’s litterly become a famous meme for how bad the chat filter is :skull:


Yea, I think it would also help if it could detect unknown fonts or questionable sentences with like many different fonts. That would prevent the scams.

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My friend was suspended for spamming. But she was just using admin commands-


A lot of Roblox bypasses rely on a Unicode quirk: Combining characters.
These are essentially Unicode characters that kind of stick to the previous character when typed, like this:

This can be used to trick the filter into thinking it’s not a bad word, because in the filter’s shoes, it looks like this:
bad word

into this:
b•a•d w•o•r•d
If the filer were to somehow pick up on these, it would solve a lot of bypasses.
Not allowing these could also probably work, as there are already stand-alone charåcters with the combining chåracters already built-in.

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LOL, I’ve seen people get banned or get a warning for just using admin commands or talking about Robux. Every time I get one of these bans/warning I just laugh honestly.

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I don’t even think it would be hard - chatGPT is already smart enough to do this, given a day i could probably use the OpenAI API to make a better filter than roblox, the only issue being latency - it probably would take a few extra milliseconds to respond. Making a system that is both advanced and fast may only be possible if roblox itself makes and integrates the AI. perhaps i should experiment with Roblox’s development chatbot to se how it tackles sus fonts.

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