UI corners gets removed when I select the label

Hey, I have an issue in which when I select a part of my gui which has a uicorner, the uicorner then disappears, how do I fix this issue. I haven’t had this happen to me before.


How do I fix this!?


This error has also been happening with me but you should post this on the Bug Reports category (Studio Bugs) to get actual help.

This cursed me for months, though it fixed after I unrolled in the beta channel (File > Beta Features)

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I do not have access to post there, so I guess it’s only appropriate from me to post it here.

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Lucky you, doesn’t work for me.

Hey, guys I just found a solution that worked for me, I disabled a UI ROUNDING plugin, and that fixed it.



This is happening to me also, thankfully someone here solved this issue!!! Thanks so much!


This happened to me also!!

Thank you so much!!!


yes, very helpful cursed plugin

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This is happening again, uh oh, I’ve unrolled in the beta channel and have been using the edge plugin as long as inserting my own UIcorners. Nothing works! I cannot report bugs sadly.

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Oh, thank you, I have been having this problem for such a long time now and it is soo annoying. Thank you so much!

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Thanks really really REALLY much!

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