UI elements are incorrectly displayed & misaligned

Reproduction Steps
Currently, as of 1/6/22, various UI elements are incorrectly displayed. Things like textstroke, imagelabels, and more that rely on scale are incorrectly displayed / misaligned.

To reproduce this, simply join any game with a high resolution monitor with windows scaling enabled.

Expected Behavior
It is expected that UIs will display the same regardless of screen resolution or DPI settings

Actual Behavior
UIs break with certain monitor resolutions & DPI settings


Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-06 00:01:00 (-05:00)


vouch, this happens to me often.

This is interesting. I thought Scale would just work because of the size of the window or something like that. I’ll make sure to see if this happens later.

This happened to me as well, I would have to exit out of studio and re-enter studio, and it would stop. But, usually after going into the game a couple times it happens again. For me it happened when I use ratio thingy.

Hippidy hoppity all my game’s UIs are experiencing DPI cropping errors…


Do you guys mind posting about your dpi setting that causes this issue?

Is it me or fonts are suddenly all HD? Also, clicking in 1st person randomly offsets your cursor?

Me compared to my friends


The glitch happens when your scale on Windows is bigger than 100%. I tested both at 125% and 100%: there’s issues only when you upscale.

Thanks for the info! btw what is the resolution of your current display screen?

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No problem! I’m currently playing on a 1920x1080 laptop screen.

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Recently we released a support for client on higher dpi screens rendering using a higher resolution mode, which could result in the fact that a non-integer value could cause rounding issues in the final rendering result.
I’ve contacted the coordinate teams for this, while it might take some time to resolve. Meanwhile we suggest that to temporarily use a scale that could convert to integers like 100%, 200% etc. Sorry for the inconvenience and we will follow-up on this later.


Having view problems, it’s going to be hard to have my entire OS at 100% scale but I really appreciate the transparency towards the users. Thanks for explaining the issue and caring about it, I really appreciate it! :smiley:

When can a fix be expected?

My windows DPI is at 125%, resolution is 2560x1440.

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We will post here tomorrow about the updates.


This got fixed light speed! Thank you! There’s still slight offset when you click in 1st person, though.

I noticed these same issues on mobile several weeks ago (UIStroke):


Is it possible to ask why this was enabled before the issue with non-integer values was resolved?

125-150% DPI scaling is common (quite practical too!) as a system default setting on many mid-range PCs and this made gameplay become quite uncomfortable, as all of the UIs (including chat bubbles) were suddenly blown up and became huge, going from this:

to this:

I do appreciate that there is a lot of work that goes into these features, but I can’t understand why this was shipped (but later turned off, much appreciated) in such a state, rather than waiting for this known issue to be resolved with the feature.

Whilst I mean no disrespect to anyone who worked on this, it has felt just like with some other examples including Asset Manager (which kept being released and later turned off due to complaints about functionality et al), and the Built-In Materials update (which has now been altered to respect community concerns, but only after 3 threads of criticism/feedback, but was until the point it was paused seemed to be ignoring a lot of feedback around look and feel of some materials i.e. slate, grass), that Roblox seems to have quite a bit of an issue with rushing products out the door without considering their feasibility and how they will affect developers (and more importantly in many cases, our players!).

Thank you for reading.


If this has been fixed, then I’m afraid it didn’t for me. Some of my UI objects are still misaligned, it even happened that a full-screen frame became not full screen. (Running the latest version)

Hi, we have reverted the feature that was causing the issue and currently the system should operate as before with all ui rendering in the non-highRes version. If you have extra issues, do you mind posting with a new bug-report with a screenshot(better with repro place file) and your device spec?

For UI specifically, we are expecting specs of you device’s display resolution(the resolution of screen where Roblox is running on if multiple screens) and your scale settings. Thanks.


Hi @Noble_Draconian, can you provide a link to an experience that shows the UI misalignment? I’m working on a fix and I want to make sure this problem does not occur anymore.
Also, anyone else who experienced this issue, if you could provide a repro case that I can test on my end that would be great. Thanks!