UI Shadows 4.2.1 - A lot of Shadows for UI!

So the main source of learning for you is the forum?
Thanks, I’ll take your advice into account!

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Version 3.8 will be released between November 11-13. The new version plans to make changes that will make working with UI Shadows easier!

Hurry up to get UI Shadows before November 11th for free.
Price after November 11 (expected): 100 robux.

Thank you all for your support! New update published!!

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Thank you for your support! …,…

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UI Shadows 4.1 is a powerful tool for creating shadows for the user interface, one click and a beautiful interface is ready!s

Update 4.1

  • Now you can choose the depth of the shadow!

Open the shadow editing menu and select / set the depth that you like.

Some bugs have been fixed and the interaction with the menu has been improved.

What else is new in 4.1 update?

  • Optimize the shadows to suit your design!
    4 types of blur depth!

  • New features of the Color Wheel.
    The wheel can now display all colors, as well as display the current color in rgb().
    Displaying the cosmetic effect of automatic shadows and align direction for the convenience of users.

  • Updated Template Design.
    All templates have been completely redesigned and rewritten!

  • Strong and huge localization to your Language.
    It was a difficult job, 13+ languages!

  • Faster and Smoother Dragging of the UI Shadows window.
    You’ll love it!

Try UI Shadows

Price: 100 R$

A lot of time and effort has been invested into this resource, it is optimized and does not waste unnecessary performance.

By purchasing, you support the author and get a plugin that will receive big updates in the future!

Number of purchases at the moment: 400+.

Good luck in the development!

Quiz for future updates!

Do shadows help you improve the interface?
  • Yes
  • I’m not sure yet

0 voters

Do you use templates in the Shadows UI?
  • Yes
  • I haven’t tried it, but I’m going to try it
  • I haven’t used it yet

0 voters

Which templates do you like the most?
  • Animated
  • Static
  • Both

0 voters

Thank you for taking the survey!


Quit spamming resources with this. You’re not entitled to use the work people have spent countless hours creating for free. If you want good plugins, someone has to spend their time creating them.


if plugin 36 robux or like this i buy but 100 for only shadow?
i can use any program for edit photo and add shadow for free .

The point is not what you can and what you can’t, but that when creating plugins people spend their time developing and maintaining them, if it’s easier for you to do it, look for a free editor, create a shadow, publish it, adjust its size to the object, then this is of course your business, but nevertheless, everyone has the right to decide for themselves, if you are not satisfied with the price, you can simply do everything yourself, but remember that any work, even if it is work in 1 click, can be assessed at least million, because each person himself vouches for his creation and time. I believe that my work deserves such a price, so I can confidently object to your indignation.

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Hi @yo9sa! This looks like a nice tool that you have made. I am thinking of getting it and have a couple questions.

1: does it work for UI elements with rounded corners?
2: are you still developing/updating this?

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Hello, thanks for your opinion. Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. This works with any rounding as the shadow type is diffuse using the Blur effect.


No Shadow



  1. Yes, I update this plugin to this day, sometimes one big update comes out with changes to provide maximum comfort to users.
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Looks cool, will be buying this sometime in the future.

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Thank you! I am purchasing it now.

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What are “Simulations” in the plugin?

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These are shadows of text and images. They are called simulations because they are modeled based on an image/text.


You can also press the keyboard shortcuts:

Shift + C → to change the class of a UI object
Shift + X → to add shadow
Shift + Z → to add simulation

` Backquote → to quickly open the menu

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Hello everyone, UI Shadows user base has grown a lot lately! Thank you for that!

So in the new update, I want to discuss what I should change, what I should add, and what I should remove! You choose!

Opening a menu on ` Backquote
  • Let it be as it is
  • Allow only when editing in studio
  • Remove completely

0 voters

The undo and redo functions will be replaced by centering and rotation
  • It’s a good idea (Centering + Rotation)
  • Better leave it as it is (Undo + Redo)

0 voters

Which of these features is preferable for you?
  • Adding new shadow shapes (round, triangular)
  • Adding more blur depths
  • Adding more templates
  • I’ll write my version in the reply
  • Everything from this list

0 voters

Do you use class replacement with Shift + C
  • Yes
  • No
  • I didn’t know there was such a possibility

0 voters

Thank you for taking the survey!

Also, if you want to request your feature, feel free to write about it!
Have a good development!

finally, a new good update!
i was kinda gonna ask you for blur and more stuff but thanks dud!

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Thank you! Write everything you want to see in a future update! I will be happy to implement anything that will be useful to you!

for the next update can you add like gradient?

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Thanks for the idea, I’ll think about how best to implement it and release it in one of the future updates! (maybe even next)

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oh, alright, ill wait for the next new update.

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