UICorner [Live]

Wow this is great now we don’t have to use plugins that might have a backdoor.

It seems like UIScale objects do not scale up/down the Offset sizing of UICorner?
I’m assuming that’s a bug, since other UI constraints such as UIPadding do work as expected, scaling up/down with UIScale objects. Can we get a fix for this?

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You can try use the scale instead of offset for specifying the radius if you want it to be able to scale with uiScaling.

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Every other UI object (that I’ve checked) scales the offset part of UDim values when a UIScale is applied, why does UICorner not? It definitely seems like a bug, or maybe missing feature, to me. Simply switching to using Scale unfortunately does not work very well for our use cases.


Why it doesn’t support to ScrollingFrame?

Awesome feature, but why does it disable parts of base GUIs. For example border color/pixel is no longer working with UICornered GUIs, which takes us right back to step zero with just having to use images for border-radius(es). I was hoping this would make material design easier, and make text boxes so much easier to create, but no, you can’t see white on white without a border.

I’ve read a lot of devform posts from the past quoting the legacy codebase for GUIs being a problem with development on GUIs. Why is Roblox not overhauling this? GUIs are becoming an ever-growing part of this platform, and it seems as if Roblox doesn’t care. We’re being forced to us hacky, inefficient methods of creating MODERN UI. It also seems as if a Roblox staff member dropped the idea for UI drop-shadow for the mere fact that it’s “so 1995.”

Oh and the lack of ClipDescendants for rotated elements not being done because Roblox is not meant to be a 2D game. Make GUI Rotation effected by ClipsDescendants - #16 by zeuxcg The lack of anti-aliasing for GUIs is seriously annoying too.

Roblox needs to start looking at GUIs and making them more developer friendly too, we shouldn’t be forced to use inefficient, hacky methods to create nice UI. You shouldn’t need to use external tools to create GOOD border-radiuses, drop shadows.etc. These are basic things included in every design program. It’s also used in pretty much every modern design aspect.

pardon my annoyance


I totally understand, but it seems like they (at the moment) don’t support rounded borders. You can outrun this by creating a big and small rounded corner GUI and then placing the smaller one on top of the larger GUI, change larger GUI color, boom done!

I am slightly frustrated about this as you are.

For borders in general, there is a legacy issue that we used to couple transparency for both border and background together. (This applies to text strokes as well.) We are looking into a general solution for de-coupling them so that you are able to create border only objects. (which we might have some progress in the following quarter.) This will be different from drawing a larger version of object underneath.


Okay, completely understand. Thank you!

This is a very nice update but here’s want I still want:

  • Working ClipDescendants with corners

  • Individual corners


I also agree to this reply, having these features would make UICorner amazing to create GUIs such as radial minimaps, or just aesthetically pleasing frames.

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My corners keep deleting themselves whenever I size or position a GUI.


I am having the same issue. It also happens when I insert new GUI objects.

Will there ever be corner specific settings?

Yeah, it really starts to get on my nerves especially after doing the perfect settings on them.

Will we be getting each individual corner sizing soon?

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CornerRadius Decreasing on UI Object Select - Help and Feedback / Art Design Support - DevForum | Roblox

Can this issue please be fixed? It’s been annoying me quite a lot when designing user interfaces and it seems to happen almost every time now.

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Scrolling Frames

It’s been close to a year time and I use UICorner all the time, although I am sad about one limit. Scrolling Frames.

Sadly UICorners doesn’t support Scrolling frames BUT I did find a workaround, Sort of.
With the newly upcoming UIStrokes I found if you insert the UIStrokes first THEN The UICorner UIStrokes won’t know it’s not supported and will take on an Invisible UICorner that replicates a simulation of it being there. Although I can’t exactly figure out how to get it functional when creating UI Through scripts. I am curious though, Will Scrolling Frames ever be supported with UICorners?


Do you mind describe what is the expected behavior when you parent a uicorner under a scrolling frame…?
We suspend the support for it as the expected behavior is vague when it comes to scrolling frame. If you just want a scrolling frame with a background with round corners, you could use a ImageLabel with UICorner and parent the ScrollingFrame and its content under this ImageLabel.
Similarly, if you want the whole canvas has a round corner, you could parent an ImageLabel under ScrollingFrame with the same size of canvas and then parent content under this ImageLabel.

For reference:
roundScrollingFrames.rbxl (28.4 KB)


You would really expect it to act like any other frame, I used one of your examples of having an entire frame then putting the scrolling frame inside it and that seemed to do the trick perfectly. Although I have to alter a bunch of code to allow it. Direct support to Scrolling Frames could help a lot.

– With scrollbar thickness set to 0

– With scrollbar thickness set to 6

Essentially the scrollbar roundness wouldn’t be affected since that’s images and can still be customized by default.