UICorner [Live]

I am so happy about this feature, it will be so useful to developers, it’s way easier then using plugins that can sometimes be challenging to use. :grinning:

This is amazing I literally can’t wait, I’ve already messed with this feature a bit and made some cool guis but since its beta… Big oof

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I kind of wanted to get a better anti-aliased result when it get rotated. I can try tweaking some internal numbers for this to be better anti-aliased when not rotated.


Any word if ClipsDescendants will work with UiCorner?


mr round I used ghost shadows for these buttons heee

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I bet the engineers have a lot more free time on their hands.

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When it’s quarantine and you’re stuck inside with nothing to do, hmm…


The Problem is… It dosent show ingame. Only in Studio is that a Bug or something?

Oh, it’s in beta testing, this does mean it hasn’t really been released yet and only works in Studio. Once it releases you’ll be able to actually use it in-game.

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For some reason the beta option for UICorner doesn’t show up for me on my Windows desktop, but it shows up on my MacBook.

Noticed that the Studio version on Windows is the 64 bit version, which is an out of date version; the one on my Mac is up to date however.

Just why? I’ve read it, but really don’t understand this… So the reason why it shouldn’t work…

That is something only Roblox staff can say :slight_smile:

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We are exploring the possibility of drop shadows. While to get a correct version of shadow (simulate projecting the gui to a further plane), we might need some extra verification that this does not affect the performance too much on low-end devices if it is used in a rational manner.


Its a UDim not UDim2. Which only has offset and scale

I love it! I think it should be released as soon as possible. It will be so helpful for all my games!


Wow, this is so helpful!! Thank you so much for adding this! :smile:

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I sure hope that the blurred edges are fixed, else I will have to stick to 9-slice. Would like to see this addressed.

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It was already possible to do this inside studio with a plugin called Roundify, (link: https://www.roblox.com/library/2233768483/Roundify)
Though this would save me some time. This is a great feature and I appreciate you listened to the community (Or you didn’t and decided to add this independently).
Overall, this is a big change. No longer have to rely on plugins now! :smiley:


Amazing update! This will make it much nicer to work with UI instead of using some kind op plugin that doesn’t help that much.
Thanks for this new update om UI’s!