UICorner [Live]

Quality wise it’s very underwhelming. The only thing this adds are more corner sizes compared to Roundify. However, Roundify’s corners are higher quality than UICorner.


If you look on the left you see a weird blur around the corner while roundify has a nice crisp corner all around.


I have to ask, how significant is the performance hit for using UICorner in large quantities? (large being maybe 50+ uses of it on screen at a time)

I’m interested in replacing my entire ui with UICorners for more control, but I don’t wanna ruin the end user experience if it’s not worth it.

Edit: try 100+ uses on screen at a time

You can check the performance indication section I posted there.
Side note: There won’t be performance overhead using it on any worldspace Gui, just the screenspace ones (which includes Guis under ScreenGui and AlwaysOnTop Billboard/SurfaceGui).
It is not about the count, but more about accumulative pixels that need to be processed.


No more plugins to rely on anymore! (At least to achieve this.) Especially since I can do this with ImageLabels now! So happy this is a feature now!

I think the blur is to make the edges looks smoother, but it causes a bunch of problems with overlapping UIs because of this. Hope there’s an option to remove it soon.

finally, took you long enough. It has been a pain to use 3rd party software to try and do this.

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I love not having to upload a myriad of images for shaped UI now, and I love how crisp it turns out too.



I think this is an amazing addition to Roblox UI’s which I have been waiting for a while. But I would prefer if the setting was under the UI’s properties

I Love UiCorner :slight_smile:


I mean, everyone needs something good in this time of quarantine :grin:

But yeah that’s very right, there’s been many good updates in 2020, notably mid-way through the year!

It’s still not out :frowning: Any idea when it’ll be out? I was making a game and now it’s almost done but I just realized UICorner is still in BETA lol

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UI Corner is now Live. It can now be used in the Main Game.

Screen Shot 2020-07-20 at 2.30.26 pm


Amazing UI mate!

From now on, UI Effects can no longer be added to Scrolling Frames as said in this post.

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Wow, it looks great! This feature is amazing.

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Looks like it doesn’t work with ClipsDescendants property yet, I’m in need of this feature, is it getting added?

Ah, this may be the best update ever, specifically from a UI Designer standpoint.

I just created some UIs for my game several weeks ago and it would have been so much easier to do with this and the upcoming rounded borders.

I’m going to leave any UI for as long as I can to make my job easier. Damn it ROBLOX!

Omg finally!!! This is great for gui design and finally is live

Incorrect. The maximum Roundify lets you do is 12. You can make it look just like the new one if you manually change the Rect or whatever.

You should really make it so you can have a border or a drop shadow on UI objects! That would be game changing.

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The plugin allows you to do 12 at maximum, but, you can just set the roundify image .SliceScale to 1 to be fully rounded, lel.

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I find that update really useful because we can now make great-looking buttons easily. It also pleases our eyes when we see a great shape of buttons, it’s sure for me. Thanks Roblox engineers! 2020 has a lot of great updates, hope to see more! :+1: :clap: