UICorner [Live]

Roundify, uiDeisgn Lite, and uiDeisgn Plus all had a good run!
As much as it’ll make my plugin become obsolete, I’m happy for this update, and it looks very well executed!

To those that still enjoy using Roundify or my other ui plugins, I will update them to have the option to use this feature once it is out of beta!



This feature is going to replace the plugins made for the design! :hushed:

I guess this will be very useful, thanks Roblox! :+1:


No way.
This has been requested for so many years!!!
I think everyone will have fun with this idea.


I never thought I’d see the day that this came to fruition. Now we just need rounded corners to support clipping for other UI elements, as stated in the post! :smile:

Awesome! I can now finally have decent-looking UI instead of having generic, squares. SQUARES!

Man, now this is a good Update. Now I don’t need to search for plugins to do these things anymore.

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ROBLOX continues to impress once again! Finally, I can do it in-game instead of having to design my UI in Photoshop. Thank you!

Rest in pease roundify…
This is really, good, it would be nice shadows, tho.


Great feature, I’ve always needed to use a 9slice for rounded corners in my GUIs, but this was impossible for the images I wanted to use which was frustrating

As a UI designer, I absolutely love these new updates roblox is doing!!!


This will be a GREAT feature! I have been waiting for this for a long time!

Yes! No more exporting in Photoshop and uploading, or any plugin shenanigans. Looking forward to seeing creative uses of this, such as loading bars and whatnot.

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This is a great idea. Now we do not have to use a plugin to make our GUI’s look neater.

You had a good run Roundify. Could not be more thankful for this feature!


Is this a UDIM 2 value? Like if I want to change it in a script?

This is great for creating GUIs without having to use plugins like Roundify to round your buttons. I’ll def consider using this in the future. Great feature!

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Would using roundify or a plugin like that have better performance? From what I read it looks like this is more math than an image, but having a transparent background for an image might be more work for the engine. It seems this should only be used in cases where a plugin like that wouldn’t work, such as a viewport frame or image that you haven’t rounded. This is a pretty awesome year for roblox features!


So my thread and many others asking for ui masks anf the sort may finally be coming soon. Here we go baby!

Oh, an update time to install it!
This update is the

RIP Roundify

I love this feature! It saves me alot of time! Thank you!

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I have a few things to say about this so, hopefully no one takes this the wrong way or takes this to heart.

As a long time user on this platform, it has always bothered me how limited guis have been on this platform. I’ve tried practically everything from Adobe to image frames to roundify with issues such as bleeding edges & scaling just to name a few.

As I got older (stay a kid… being old is a lot of work) & pursuing a degree, I’ve started to question a lot regarding the design of the UI subsystem on this platform. I’ve found it quite odd that this wasn’t baked in from the start or at the very least implemented earlier instead of watching idly as users complain and find hacky methods to provide similar functionality.

In addition, I’m a bit weary on the naming structure and implementation of this. While “UICorner” is a relative term that makes sense, why wasn’t “borderRadius” or “cornerRadius” considered as a property instead of a scriptable object? Having a new user search for this through a hidden menu seems to be a hassle and provides a horrid user experience. Almost every platform as far as the industry goes, has this as a property. Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator just to name a few.

Furthermore, I’m a bit confused as to why you’re creating something that’s supposedly brand new on a legacy codebase. To me, that sounds like an absolute mess and provides less feature enriched capability if done otherwise. I’m aware that this is still a beta but, just something to think about.

Anyways, before I go off in a tangent, I appreciate the work that has been put into this. This has been a long awaited feature for me and will definitely make life easier moving forward.