UICorner [Live]

This is amazing! While you pointed out some cons and features not implemented yet, this is still huge. Being able to round corners inside of studio has been something roblox developers have been asking for for a very long time. We no longer have to use image editing software to create rounded images.

Wow, this is gonna be super helpful for any UI design can’t wait to use it!

So this is probably a stupid question but who cares :stuck_out_tongue: : Can I publish my game with this feature? My goodness life will be EASIER!

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How expensive is tweening the CornerRadius property?


I love the update. Is it just me or do the sides of GuiObjects with a UICorner applied seem unfocused and blurry?

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This is good, but is it functioning right now? I don’t see it under beta features, yet it was readily available in my studio. On top of that, it just doesn’t work for me.
The image label in the center of the screen is the image label that this UICorner is parented to.


Having the same issue with a "Frame" and a "TextButton"

Time to say goodbye to Roundify…

Finally…the dream has come true! Thank you, Roblox! Now I can finally make extra epic stuff even in the studio without using plugins.

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I would love to see individual corner radius control added.


Time to curve those GuiElements without having to use Slice
Why is 2020 getting so many good updates all of a sudden?
Hey, you did a nice job with the build! I’d recommend using textures and have a reference to make such stuff, if you’re starting out, then you should follow some steps mentioned below. Note than sometimes, quantity makes quality. Suggestion 1 Maybe rather than one single brick pillar, blocky doors…


Awesome feature! Will be really easier to make nice guis now

This is a great feature, long gone are the days of importing images as backgrounds to have a decent looking colored button.

This asks for an updated plugin.
I’m gonna work on something again, yay.
It will have to get out of beta in order for it wo work in game, but a plugin will really make it easier.

xD i never even used it. It’s too much for my wantings.
I just made a similar and simpler
plugin to it and put it on sale in case somebody else wants it.

Finally I don’t need to use extra images to make round corners!

Is this usable in production yet?


This feature will surely improve the UI in Roblox Studio by a lot! Thanks for this feature.

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oh my goodness, this is amazing! great stuff :+1:

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Finally no longer using plugins for ui, thanks for adding UICorner, Can’t wait to play with it in studio and make new animations using TweenService