UICorner [Live]

Thank you for this! I have previously used the plugin roundify, and it’s annoying sometimes due to the way it works, but this is perfect! I love how it’s scriptable too.

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This is a nice feature, I like it.
And I have a few suggestions.
Maybe it could have more basic corner shapes instead of just round?



And we should be able to import our own corner shape, along with import corner orientation for adjustment
I would expect to also have the ability to change the x and y axis of the corner independently


First off I want to say WOW, the team have just opened something huge and it means game design’s are going to be next levels.

I just want to confirm does the borders work in-game yet, or is it only for studio?

If they added it to studio as an option surely it’ll work in game.

I have generally been wanting this for ages now… I have been using roundify lol but now I want to get rid of all my roundify images and replace them with frames with UICorners! Well Done Dev Team


Wow! I can finally use this function instead of having to use plugins to design my UI’s! Thanks Roblox.

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WOW Cool feature! I am very Happy about it because now we can do alot of stuff with UICorner Beta !

I really like the project ! keep it up Roblox and show us more Amazing features !! :smiley:

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Whew just what we needed! Round buttons is a go! :tada:

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This is a great new addition to user interface that I bet quite a lot of UI designers were looking to have! This will for sure make rounding interface a lot easier for UI designers, aspiring developers, or people learning user interface design for fun! This feature will help me quite a bit with my journey on user interface design. Once again, thanks so much and keep up the great work! Roblox has really shown their appreciation to game developers and I can’t wait to see what the future brings to Roblox.


Woo! I love this. This will make it so much easier for beginners to make good looking UIs.

Finally! We needed this update!

Yes finally, no need to convert gui into images to get that result!
Thanks Roblox for this update!

This is awesome! Finally we don’t have to use external software / plugins to make round UI! I myself am a Beta Tester and I will be using this feature frequently!

This is honestly epic. Although personally, having a bunch of uicorner objects in your ui seems kinda messy to me. Maybe you could make it a property of ui objects? Also I noticed clip descendants doesn’t work with it either. Perhaps that’s something else you could add in the future.


Wow! Just tried it an it’s honestly better than 9-Slice (I Don’t Know How To Use It :rofl:) Anyways, this is such a good UI Element. Good job!

This is amazing and will be extremely useful for making UIs, specifically menus and their buttons, look better more easily! Been looking for something like this for a while, I don’t need to use the Roundify plugin as much now. Can’t wait to see this implemented fully. :slight_smile:


Howd you make that button? I would like to know. :smiley:

holy fric this is probably the most useful update instead of using slice.

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Awesome! Will definitely help with UI creations that require curved corners, such as rounded player avatar headshots.

This is awesome! I would love to see the DropShadow property next!