UICorner [Live]

Roblox is trying to make the platform more up-to-date with other competing game engines, and to make the platform more accessible.

UI Design Life Hack: Combining a sliced round object with UICorner will have a cool looking design generated.

Corner radius of 6 pixels:
Annotation 2020-06-19 074237

Corner radius of 30 pixels:
Annotation 2020-06-19 074426


Great update roblox!
Finally I don’t need use to make a this corner
This is my favorite update!
Keep it up :wink:

Just tested with a menu I’m working on- no, they do not work in game yet.

Great addition, Instead of using a plugin to round the corners for us, Brilliant!

I like it!

But does it also support the UI outline?
From what I see in the video it doesn’t or did I see that wrong or has it still to be added?
But anyways I do like the concept, will come in handy for roundifying images.

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This update was long overdue. Rip Roundify, here comes UICorners!

It’s great to see amazing updates in 2020 and how some of them have caught up with existing plugins, hope to see more in the future!

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It would have been nice to know that this doesn’t work in-game, before spending an hour doing UI design revolving around it :confused:

I ended up screwing up the UI as a result, because I added it to pretty much everything.


This is better then Roundify, on roundify you can’t curve images and stuff.
This UICorner you can.

Some Sad Music For Roundify that will be great :frowning:


  • This is good
  • This is not good

0 voters


This is a great update! I won’t have to use a plugin anymore!! :+1:


That what we all needed instead of using plugins, this will be more easy and more details to curve those Gui, without messing things up with an ImageGui!

Great job roblox! :roblox_light:

Note to that new devs that dont trust/use plugins a lot will improve a lot on they UI Skills!

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That normal its in “BETA” its will only work in studio, and for those who enabled it, just test its limits and when its release have fun to share it with your community!


Wow, this is an amazing addition to the UI effects arsenal. Can’t wait to see more useful features.

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This is great, but I have 2 main suggestions about it:

  • Users should be able to choose which corner gets what radius. This can be useful to make some “fancy” shapes. At the moment, it is impossible to do that, and we are obligated to have the same radius for every corners. It is possible to have a “fake” corner by adding a frame, but we could save a few seconds and overall be faster with that.
  • We also should be able to somewhat clip the descendants of the UI object, with the corners. I’m not sure if this really makes sense, but it was a main problem with Roundify.

If those were already suggested, I’m sorry!


This is a really good addition to Roblox Studio. Rather then using a third-party software, you can just insert a UICorner in to the Gui.


Now you don’t have to go to the roundified image and set the IMAGE color, but now with UICorner you can just change the background color!


If you use a UIGradient on a TextObject with UICorner and set the text color to RGB(255,255,255), then your text will not show.

why have you never thought of this until now :frowning:

whatever these 2020 updates are awesome :smiley:


So, now we need rich text and a better UI renderer engine.

Good job. Finally can stop using those matrices for UI.

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I guarantee Roudify will be updated to include both UICorner and ImageLabel. Keep in mind UICorner is much more intensive on memory.


Yesss, I wanted this so badly, now I don’t have to make so many assets just to get rounded corners, I can now animate my guis as well and they’ll still keep that nice rounded shape, used to dislike gui design a lot but this may actually make it more fun to design some fancy guis for my projects, so much easier now.

Great job! Been waiting for Roblox support on something like this, but there it will be some people that will still use Roundifier because of the performance overhead that UICorner currently has. I feel that this will be optimized in the future to prevent using extra memory.