UICorner [Live]

Rest in peace roundify plugin.


It’s a studio beta feature, why would you expect it to work in game?


This is literally a feature that I’ve been waiting for, for a long time.
I won’t need to use any plugins to do that anymore.
It’s so time saving, and it’s a lot better in quality.

Thanks Roblox for the amazing feature! :grin:

You are correct. I’ll update it to use both 9-Slice or UICorner depending on the users preference.

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This is interesting and all, but I’d find it very useful and love to see some clipping (aka. masking) support added for rotated images & corners as well. This is such a requested feature which doesn’t currently let anyone efficiently add rotated minimaps etc. to their user interface designs.

Overall, though, I’m glad to see some love shown for the UI aspect of Roblox Studio and I definitely do want some more candy in the near future. :candy: :upside_down_face:

P.S.: I’m loving how you’re providing a code snippet as well! 10/10 post. Keep it up!

Not sure if this feature already exists with UI Corner but when scripting something such as a ripple effect the element always treats the UI like a square and covers the corners so it would be nice if this cut off everything that extends the corners.

Finally, devs have been waiting for this for ages. Is roblox gonna start listening to its users for once? I hope so.
This is a much wanted feature and now that it is finally here, i can save time and storage on making rounded borders in my ui.
Im sure i will make a great loading gui with this

No, it’s in Beta. Anything in Beta won’t be shipped globally until it has been completed.


Maybe I am complaining, but wouldn’t be it easier to access that propriety just by going to any GUI object that supports outline, instead of searching the object, and then adding it and taking additional space inside of GUI object that I wanted have rounded corners?

It’s there under Beta Features in your Studio’s settings. It has to be enabled and then your studio restarted for the functionality to work, just as the original post describes.

Now more:

  • Using default Roblox styles to get rounded corners
  • Having to be an artist or pay an artist for assets with rounded corners - unless you want something even nicer

These need a lot of work - I hope you add auto-resizing when you rebuild them lol

Thanks for the cool feature.

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It is now easier to create a cleaner and more beautiful interface without using external software. Congratulations to Roblox, it helped me a lot and also other developers!



Thank you now I don’t have to use roundify to make my Guis round!


I love this feature! No more plugins for that! They screw up a lot as well, so I hope this is better. It’ll be faster to get the right size corner as well.

I used other beta features and had them work in-game before.

If it doesn’t display in Studio unless you enable it, it’s not going to display ingame.


Not the implementation I was hoping for but this looks pretty good!

I would have preferred to see customizable clipping like alpha images that other game engines use. Maybe this will become more customizable in the future to support things like ellipses and leaving some corners squared while others are rounded. Somehow adding new things like UICorners seems like it’s just clogging up the API and it can’t be removed once it’s released because it will break games that use it. It’s sort of like using the gui specific tween rather than the general tween, ones just taking up space at this point. Nonetheless I’m still totally using this!

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Hello everyone!

Unfortunately this only works in Studio, but in-game UI Corner doesn’t work at all!

I don’t know if this is really a “bug”, but this tool can help me (and others) in the interface in my game.

In Studio:


In Game:



Its just two rounded frames with different colors, with the lighter one with a higher Zindex and a smaller Y coordinate.

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another amazing update, this just improved my life :heart:

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