UICorner [Live]

As I mentioned, it is not found under the Beta Features tab, yet I can see it whenever I go to insert an instance into a GUI.

We are procedurally rolling this features out as this will be utilized in our own apps too. We will get some data indicating whether applying more calculations to wide range of screen space ui is acceptable for the device spec we are covering. After that we will find better approach for supporting borders, etc.

I don’t know what happened to my posts though… hopefully they will take care of the other one I am going to post soonish. (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ)


This is not a bug, its in beta, just like UIGradient it will roll out after testing in studio. I’m sure it’ll be live soon!


As what I have stated, I think Roundify still has great value for those ones who cares about perf on low-end devices. If your ui only contains simple round rect shape with static corner radius, using roundify is a great alternative solution.

Performance indication

And to clarify the performance overhead: as I measured last time, adding round corners to all thumbnails of our app’s games page would be 1-2ms extra frame time on an iPhone 6. This overhead scales with how many pixels in total that you have applied round corners on. (Accumulative with overlay guiobjects.)

I believe all my talented fellows will find ways to improve it throughout time.


Some of your points are valuable that help drive better experience for developers. While unlike those mature softwares that purely made for professional image processing, we are still basically a game-engine that has cross-platform compatibility without requiring explicit compiling for each game. This means that we need to care more about regressions than any of those other softwares / game engines in the industry. (We need to keep all the legacy games within the past 10 years sort of working with most of integrations.)


I will verify this, seems like a bug to me if it is the case.


No it’s just that whenever you add a UIGradient to a TextObject and the text is white, the text will change with the gradient.

ah I probably misunderstood it… (。•́︿•̀。)

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Welp, there goes the Roundify plugin.

Anyways, amazing update!


They are doing well with these new features like the gradient and now this.

Although I didn’t mind using the plugins, this is helpful. Now more animations can be done with this now as you can script the properties.

This is very helpful! I don’t have open up my plugins tab anymore and use Roundify! This is amazing! Thank you! :grinning:

Brilliant addition! Keep up the updates!

That’s understandable.

However, I much rather have this as a property that updates on the fly instead of a separate object.

-- For example
local container = instance.new("Frame", player.PlayerGui)
container.cornerRadius = 20

Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 8.08.05 PM
Spawning in an instance & editing the property of that instance instead of the actual gui object seems incredibly frustrating. Especially when you could be a new player already lost at the layout studio has.

I feel like this can be condensed into a property instead. There’s not enough substance in it to justify why it would be a separate object.

Thanks for replying & I hope this helps.


I can share more considering you are interested in more details on engineering decisions:
The reason we ship all new things in UIComponents at user-interface level is that we are consider the future extendability of apis without worrying about throwing all properties on GuiObjects.
e.g. if we are going to support different corner radius some day, we need to add potential 4 more properties on GuiObject itself, if we have shape options, there will be another extra enum added.

Internally it benefits us in the way that we don’t allocate unnecessary memory and calculation if you don’t have those components parented.

It is kind of similar to modern game-engines component system, e.g. in Unity, it is in the form like gameobject.addcomponent. While we don’t have studio UI support so that we cannot show all of components in one property panel of parent as unity does.


I’m stoked that this is becoming a thing!
I plan on updating Roundify to have the option of UICorner or 9-Slice for those who enjoy the plugin!

Awesome work byn the team who made this a thing!

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Thank you! This helps a LOT with scaled + rounded UI

Is this feature out of beta already? I can’t find it in beta features (yes I am in the beta program) however I am able to find it in the search for inserting objects.

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I feel like performance issues won’t be that much of a problem / won’t show that much of a difference.

you’re being replaced lol


Ah, that makes much more sense.

It’s basically a more organized way instead of adding clutter to the gui object’s property tab.

I still would’ve preferred a property over an object instance but, the rationale behind this makes perfect sense. Out of curiosity, would background shadows ever be a thing? I’m fairly certain that this can be accomplished alternatively by using two rounded frames and changing the transparency on the frame with the lower zIndex but, it would be neat to have actual support for it. Would make elements on a linear base frame pop as compared to not having it.

Thanks for the explanation.