I really want to make a progress bar similar to Bloxburg’s
I don’t know how they did it since clipdescendants doesnt work on images/circular ui stuff.
Now, before you comment “search for it”, I already did. The problem is, is that for example, in this post, they’re working with images, and I’m using UICorner.
(and also because I’m not that good at ui design and don’t know how to do this.)
Really annoying that clipdescendants doesnt work with uicorner, and I’ve just been sticking with squares.
The Community Tutorial was made back in 2019. I don’t think UICorners were a thing back then.
UICorners should do the job. You just add a UICorner to the Frame, TextLabel, or TextButton you are wanting to give a round edge to. You can alter the UICorner properties to suit your game.
Can you clarify on what you mean by that? I have 2 frames with ui corner on. the parent frame “money” has clip descendants on. Stuff like this happens
heres the setup
Does this GUI ever have UICorner? I see here only 2 images, 1 with white round corners and fully transparent middle part, and another one is something like “inner” filling, which is affected by Frame with ClipsDescendants.
Wait some time and I’ll send screenshot about what I mean.
What do you mean? Yes it does have ui corner. heres the explorer:
“money” has clip descendants and “bar” is just a frame with uicorner as the “filling” of the bar
I’m trying to achieve something like this that bloxburg has
Sorry for the 2-year necrobump, but if someone is trying to recreate this example from scratch and it’s not working correctly, they will need to make sure to set ZIndexBehavior to Sibling on the ScreenGUI. Happened to me until I compared the properties for a few minutes.