Screenshot by Lightshot (1-5 all have the same structure except the images in them are different.
I’m trying to setup a menu like Sizzleburger
I do a solo play, enter the in studio game, when I look at the guis when im on client side they are doing nothing at all, but when I look at the gui on server side the next page animations are playing.
I’ve tried to change the script to a local script to see if I would be able to see it then, but it didn’t work either. I’ve typed in the command into the command bar to make it go to the next page, it worked, but it doesn’t work when I use a script.
Have you perhaps tried just doing one Gui to help reduce the size of the problem.
It might help if you add prints into the script and slow everything down.
Yes, I went whole new create and made one part, added some different color frames, called the next function in only one line, and nothing of the gui changed on a client side view in studio.
Just so my understanding is correct you are seeing a difference between the two where one has a green square and other has not.
Is the change to the colour being done on the client or server?
So there are 3 frames, the first one is white, the second one is green, and the third one is like purple.
The :Next() function is being called on the server, then on Server View it did the animation which changed the frame from the white one to the green one. But nothing happens on the client, like when the server changes to the green frame, the client is still on the white colored frame.