local PageSystem = lol.UIPageLayout
Upon scrolling through the frame binded to UIPageLayout, the event doesn’t fire, nothing is printed.
(The ‘ClientUI Added’ console print is not related to this issue)
I’ve put this forum into the Bugs repository @CompilerError - hopefully this can get sorted asap.
Additional information for bug catchers:
“UIPageLayout - PageEnter / PageLeave event not firing”.
Studio V : 0.398.0.332127 64Bit,
Personally Identified this behaviour 1hr ago.
Reproducable, Replicate above example/situation.
I highly recommend that the developer wiki disambiguate and define what a ‘Page’ is - and possibly attach a example to it once fixed, it is a very usable UI feature and should be used more often.
You could possibly use the .Stopped event as ComplierError had said, and combine it with using the CurrentPage property. Annoying workaround, but that’s just Roblox.
Just going to bump this post again. It needs addressing. I’ve got tabs which should light up when the page is visible, and I want them to light up as it cycles through, rather than just having the selected page’s tab light up.
It seems like the temporary solution is to use GetPropertyChangedSignal and connect it to ‘CurrentPage’ changing to achieve the desired effect as the PageEnter functionality.
Note for bug swatters - this issue can still be reproduced as posted.
This is the solution I opted for in the end. However, it doesn’t cycle through pages as it animates. It only changes to the target page when using JumpTo.
Honestly, at this point the entire UIPageLayout backend coding needs to be polished a bit, It’s a great system but It doesn’t always work as intended. I’ve had several issues where the UI it said it listed as the current UI wasn’t actually displayed on-screen and was instead placed off to the side like it wasn’t an active frame.
I’m trying to use UIPageLayout for a search gui and I can confirm that the issue is still present.
Both of the events (.PageEnter and .PageLeave) don’t fire and Stopped is kinda useless since I need to be able to clear search results from the pages that aren’t visible as you jump from page to page so players could browse huge quantities of results without their games lagging.
Still happening. Tried using these events and they didn’t work, narrowed down the problem so much that the only possible issue could be the events not firing. And it looks like that’s the case…