UIShelf (Archived) - Create Modern & Intuitive Topbar Icons

Too late! Lol
UIShelfGradientSelection.rbxm (30.3 KB)

I’ll take a look at the code and tell you if you should make a PR or not.

It’s very unoptimized so I think your solution is better. I made a ModuleScript to handle the gradient selection (mostly because I copied most of it from UIBlox) which isn’t very ideal when you can incorporate it directly in the SelectionImageObject like you did.

You’re free to use the code and merge it in without my permission.

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Tooltip bubbles don’t correctly position themselves when near the edges of a screen.

Correct behaviour:

Incorrect behaviour:

Yeah this is a tricky one. I’ll see what I can do about it.

We have just released v1.1.3,

  • Fixes tooltips clipping with outer screen on right (this fix only applies to the icon on the far right)


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This is an example of a great resource but with terrible release timing, you could’ve just waited till the new UI is live in all games before releasing this and it would’ve gotten way more popular due to game devs rushing to replace their old UI with the new one.

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I do second this, but there is currently a migration period with an extended rollout timeline, so the earlier release was a bit necessary.


Perhaps you’re right. there is no evidence to support either of our arguments anyways, I suggest you work on perfecting this until the new UI is officially live in all games, then make a new post referencing this as it’s really underrated right now, I think that’s due to not many people knowing it even exists, or they do but don’t need it just yet.


Glad you like it! Is there any feedback you would like to give, that I then could consider in the following release?

While I haven’t used this module in any of my projects, and I currently don’t have live games to integrate it into, I would recommend prioritizing reliability and bug-free performance before adding new features. Developers seeking integration would likely prefer a dependable source that encompasses all the functions of the previous module (TopbarPlus). Once that foundation is solid, you can then introduce new features. Being the first to establish this reliability would position you as the go-to for topbar icons in the new UI, allowing you the flexibility to enhance it at your own pace.

Please note that this is just the perspective of a 19-year-old at the beginning of his journey, so take it with a grain of salt


Waiting for dropdown support, I mainly used topbar+ for the dropdown feature

Is this what you’re looking for? We will not support horizontal menus as its quite unintuitive for mobile users.




Well turns out the new Topbar is already on a rollout.

Its over, its time to switch. Say goodbye to the old topbar. Can’t even switch back with bloxstrap.

In the api page the menu selections “TopBarIconObject” and “TopBarSpacerObject” are switched.


Hello! Great module, however it would be nice if you had a signal that would fire when the guiobject’s visibility is toggled. I had a niche scenario so I had to implement it myself which wasn’t difficult but I would love to see it implemented into the full module. For anyone else with who needs it, implementation looks like this:

self.Opened = Signal() :: Signal.Signal<Enum.UserInputType>
self.Closed = Signal() :: Signal.Signal<Enum.UserInputType>

function TopBarIconObject:BindGuiObject(guiObject: GuiObject?)
	if not guiObject then

	if not self._GuiBindConnection then
		self._GuiBindConnection = self.Activated:Connect(function()
			if (not guiObject.Visible) then
			guiObject.Visible = not guiObject.Visible

Won’t be implementing this natively. You can easily do this by listening to the visible property of the object.

I personally dont like the idea of having to match UI elements to roblox’s design since it can remove personality on more advanced games

But to whoever is actually looking to blend their UI and buttons with the roblox’s UI then this resource does just that fine.

This is true however differing UI between games can become bad for UX since familiarity is what humans like.

Large new UIs can become confusing quickly and are not ideal if you play a variety of games.

What else would you do? Not matching UI elements are ugly. Not good for UI Design.