UIShelf (Archived) - Create Modern & Intuitive Topbar Icons

Games with cramped UI like average plate gaem won’t have this option.

Looks like average plate gaem actually uses UIShelf. Thanks to the devs!

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I am aware of this and not sure why it’s happening. This seems to be only happening on mixed icon-text buttons

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Might be a dumb question, but do I require the src module instead of the UIShelf module? Your playground has everything in a folder but the ROBLOX model contains everything in a module.

For the playground I use Wally which is why it’s in a packages folder. The Roblox model has been adapted for normal use, require the UIShelf module.

Module doesnt work if i require UIShelf module.

Instead use Src:

local UI = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").UIShelf.src)

I think I know the issue, I’ll fix this soon

I’m not sure what I did wrong, but is this a bug or what?

(btw I made a custom topbar with some magic that I forgot :sad:)

The problem is that you do not have the new topbar enabled

Alright, thanks. I’ll update the new topbar once I figure out how to.

I think the playground is broken again. The buttons are half off the screen and as you can see on the left the menu is open and can’t be closed.


The playground is not broken. Please take a look at the topbar!

Is there a way of programmatically determining whether someone is running the new topbar or not? I don’t see any way to enable/disable this coregui modification via scripts.
It’s enabled on our prod(main) game but not in test, which makes testing difficult.

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IIRC you can check if the topbar insets are 36, 36 are the old insets.

This is pretty good, but one problem I’ve found with it is that the padding between the buttons on mobile isn’t accurate. It uses the desktop padding which is a little more spaced out than on mobile (I remember someone saying that the x-axis padding is the y-axis inset value minus 46).

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Oh, nice.


Update to 1.1.6, fixes the bug where insets may differ and improves internal code a bit



FYI these pages in the docs are reversed. TopBarIconObject | Canary Docs


I’ll fix these in 2.0, classes will be renamed and such.