UIStroke is Now Live!

If it was to work on ImageLabels that would use more resources of the Players Device to calculate the Border of the PNG image or if it’s not a PNG image do a border around the Ui.

ViewportFrames will use just as many resources due to what is in the frame will have to be calculated for it’s border (something like the PNG image issue) and if there is a BackgroundTransparency of less than .5 (For Example) then they will have to change to the regular border if the dev wants that.

This will open ton more possibilities in UI designs, some really fancy stuff and is definitely an improvement for Roblox development.

I bet some developers will give a really good use making some cool creations using this feature!

Nice, now we can finaly recreate Google maps on Roblox.

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Oh my god, designing all of those streets…

sick as hell, amazing :open_mouth:

oops, meant to write TextLabel but we don’t have to talk about that

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This is absolutely gorgeous! I will definitely be playing around with this new property :blue_heart:

So now I don’t need to add another background UI to make borders. Also now my UI Animation will be perfect and two UI’s won’t go outside.

Too bad my roblox studio is bugged and currently I am having exams so I can’t test it :laughing:
I think its really nice since it would help a lot especially for me. This should have been released sooner because if it did, we would be having high quality builds with high quality texts!

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Any ideas how long before we can scale this properly across all devices? Its a neat idea but pretty much useless to me or anyone unless you only let your game be played on one device category.

Decided to try it out, but doesn’t show at all.


Use Border mode, not Contextual.


Yep, tried that as well. Even deleted it and a fresh one set to Border doesn’t work either.

EDIT: Tried again with a completely new Frame; UIStroke doesn’t even affect said Frame’s own border.

EDIT 2: SOLVED! Looks like Beta Features was affecting it somehow, so now it’s working so far!

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It doesn’t seem as if anyone asked about being able to have the stroke “inside out”. Sorry if there was someone.
It would be really useful for me, and would solve a lot of issues.

One way to implement this is to allow negative numbers, I would guess?
Or a property, boolean, which decides that.

I would be able to use UIStroke in a lot more places if that was the case.


when uigradient and uistroke is used together, is it possible for uigradient to not color the stroke?

what I want to achieve:

what I got:

only black is possible:


I used to make 2 frames. Now everything is easier! I also have the same problem as @misternicekai, I wish to create something like that. (Stroke + Gradient)

This UI looks pretty cool. i have not used it yet so i dont know if it actually is

This isn’t really efficient but I’m pretty sure it would work. If you make the same text behind that one with transparency to 1 and no Ui gradient you could create the border your looking for.

Yay! I’ve been waiting for this. It even works on UICorner which looks really good and i use corners a lot… Great Addition!

Put another UIGradient(without any properties changed) in the UIStroke.

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There is a really strange bug with this feature and mobile performance.
Game Link: Speedman Simulator (Tested Feature Game)
Note: I reported here because it is pretty critical to any other developers wishing to use this feature in their own game, and my ability to report bugs isn’t available currently, if someone can move this post to bugs or furthermore add on anything please let me know.

Reproduction Steps
The game needs to have UIStroke enabled. After, join on any mobile device, from knowledge iPhone X was the highest performance device to crash on the filtered device list. Then, you can see how the game begins to lag and have difficulty performing.

Expected Behavior
Players should be able to play normally at around 600-700MB on mobile average.
The gui/FreeType in console should be on average at this rate.

Actual Behavior
Immediately when players join, the game lags, and reaches 1000MB at an absurd rate, then checking the mobile player console, this was the actual problem.

You can see the crash rate happening to decently performed phones, which is rarer than usual.

Deleting the UIStroke feature from the UI reverted the game back into normal performance. You can manually add someway of custom strokes but won’t be optimized again as intended.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-09-14 00:03:00 (EST)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-26 00:04:00 (EST)