UIStroke is Now Live!

I’ve reproed this bug and have made a fix for it. It’ll be a while before it makes it into a release.


that ui looks awesome especially the button, good work


Thank you so much for letting me know, I’ll wait patiently for it.

Amazing, I really like the UIStroke update. Now i can make my games with textlabel outlines with ease!

I love this! I saw this as a beta feature and it was amazing, and to have it properly live is amazing! Well done!

This has been out for almost a year. Why is it “just now getting released”?

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I think you’re thinking of UICorner. This is UIStroke, which lets you add a more customizable outline to text/frames. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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Nah, I’m not thinking of that. UIStroke has seriously been out for like a year.

The first time I’ve seen UIStroke was on March 17th, 2021, when it was announced for Studio beta. Only today is it released to the public. You’re talking about an actual UIStroke object that does exactly this, right?

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UIStroke has definitely not been out for a year. It was in beta but never available in-game.

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Hm. I’ve never seen it before. I know it’s existed a little while before its announcement, but it never really worked and wasn’t available outside of Studio. If you have any links to it working or something similar, please let me know!

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I’ve been able to use UIStroke for at least 9 months.

I’ve been using UIStroke for a long time but it was only available in-studio up until now


Hi I got an Issue here.

When I use UIStroke and GuiObject.ClipsDescendants, it shows something weird. Is this fixable?

weird glitch (UIStroke).rbxm (2.2 KB)

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I see so many people excited about this update, and its cool in theory, but the stroke does not scale responsively on different screen formats and resolutions.

This makes it mostly useless as-is if you want your game to be playable on PC and Mobile, let alone Xbox. Are that many people really only targeting a single platform?

Have people found any workarounds? I was thinking about writing code to adjust the stroke pixels depending on screen size, but then decided it would be just easier to not use this feature.

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The only thing I could figure out is if you make a viewport frame invisible and you would only see the border, It’s amazing how this is what I wanted and I had no idea this was even a thing 7 minutes ago.

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Wow I wish this was a thing like 2 years ago. Gone are the days of placing frames upon frames to make outlines…


Sick! I’ve wanted something like text outline for a while now. I was sick of using third-party software to have to do this.

This is super cool - wouldn’t recommend it though as you may have performance issues. However, drop shadow is a feature that is on our road map and we’ll get there!


Amazing, I’ve been waiting for years now! :heart:

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