Not to be confused with this idea: Add a UITransparency modifier object
Though I would love the above idea, it’s not possible as seen in the thread’s replies. This thread is more a quality of life suggestion, rather than a currently impossible to implement feature
As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to work with transparency across multiple nested GUI’s
Currently on Roblox, to change the transparency of a GUI and all of it’s descendants, we have to manually loop through each element and figure out based on its original value what we should set the transparency to. This can be tedious as we have to store ‘original values’ for each element within a GUI and all it’s descendants. This includes background transparencies, along with text transparencies and text stroke transparencies where it applies.
My idea is to have a UI modifier object that can do it for us. How this would work is that the modifier’s parents and all its parent’s descendant GUI objects would be effected by the modifier. The properties effected would be:
- BackgroundTransparency
- TextTransparency
- TextStrokeTransparency
- Any potential future transparency properties of GUI elements
The way I imagine the equation being is like this: math isn’t my strong point, so there may be a more efficient equation
GuiTransparency + (1 - GuiTransparency)*ModifierValue
In all the examples below, the blue frame is the parent of both orange frames. The text in the frames is in place to tell the transparency of the frames, whereas the text above states what the value of the UITransparencyModifier would be to get the resulting transparency in the frames.Modifier: 0
Modifier: 0.5
Modifier: 1
If Roblox is able to address my issue, it would improve my development process by making the modification of a whole GUI much easier, and even possibly more efficient
Sometimes GUI’s can have hundreds of GUI descendants, and changing all their properties like this manually involves going way out of your way, or is sometimes unrealistic. This UI modifier would also make GUI fading effects much easier, as it would allow us to just simply use TweenService on the UI modifier to fade our GUI’s.
- I would benefit from this feature
- I don’t see the benefit of a UITransparencyModifier object
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