Ukrainian Language Support: Let’s Make It Happen!

:earth_africa: Ukrainian Language Support: Let’s Make It Happen!

:thinking: What’s Up

Hey folks, it’s time to chat about adding Ukrainian language support to Roblox. We’ve got a vibrant Ukrainian community here, and it’s about time we make them feel at home on the platform. Ukrainian is spoken by a big bunch of people worldwide, around 30-40 million, so it’s not a small deal at all.

:mag: Why We Need It

Right now, Ukrainian is missing from the language options on Roblox. This means we’re missing out on a chance to make Ukrainian-speaking players and developers feel included. Plus, it’s a bit of a bummer for a platform that’s all about bringing people together.

:gift: What’s In It for Us

  1. More Friends: Adding Ukrainian will bring more Ukrainian-speaking folks into the Roblox family, which means more fun for everyone.

  2. Better Fun: Ukrainian players will have a smoother ride on Roblox with everything in their language. It’s all about making the game feel like home.

  3. Superpowers for Creators: Ukrainian-speaking developers can let their creativity shine even brighter when they can work in their own language. It’s a win-win.

  4. Shoutout to Culture: Recognizing Ukrainian shows love for Ukraine’s rich history and culture. Let’s spread that love around!

:rocket: Let’s Do This!

So, Roblox team, can we chat about getting Ukrainian on board? Whether it’s adding a Ukrainian corner on the forums or tweaking the app to speak Ukrainian, let’s make it happen. Roblox is all about being global, right? Let’s make sure everyone feels that love.


It’s a small deal. Arabic has more speakers than the United States’ population, so it’s worth the time to add Arabic support. They went onto the step on adding support for right to left languages.

Ukranian and Russian are both slavic languages, and Ukranian has some loanwords from Russian, so you’re probably better off learning Russian. There is a small grammar difference between Привет and Привіт

I doubt it will happen since Russia and Ukraine are having a war between each other

My own language is Arabic and my creativity shines as bright as it is, My first language is english despite being originated from an arabic speaking country

I have met some arabic speakers who play roblox, and I usually get taken to Burmese, Arabic or Russian speaking servers. also bringing more players can cause more outages since roblox usually goes down when it has the most players active


Ok I’ll start. Let’s move this post to Engine Requests because this isn’t that much of a devforum request


I’m not sure if you realize just how offensive this reply is.

Ukrainian and russian have a linguistic overlap of about 62%, comparable to English and German. That’s like telling English speakers to “just learn German, they’re both Germanic languages.” Except, Germany isn’t currently trying to exterminate the English language and culture. Your reply belittling Ukrainian language as a small deal and that they’re “better off learning russian” only serves to further such efforts.

The best time to add Ukrainian language support was yesterday, the next best time is today. Ukraine isn’t just “country with a war”, the Ukrainian language isn’t a “language of war”, so a war being in Ukraine shouldn’t prevent it from being included in game. In fact, now is a better time than ever, so that Ukrainian speakers aren’t forced to use the language of the occupants during wartime, and can use their state language.

Just because Ukrainian is added, doesn’t mean other languages can’t be too. Your language not being present at this time isn’t a reason to not add Ukrainian. I don’t see how you getting put on Burmese, Arabic, or russian-speaking servers has any relevance to the topic at hand.


I’ve had 100s if not 1000s of Ukrainian players, and manually filled some of the localisation table to support the Ukrainian language. It would be amazing if Roblox supported automatic translation for it. With the existence of AI, there really isn’t an excuse not to have most modern languages supported for automatic translations.


… What does any of this about Arabic have to do with Ukrainian language support?

30 to 40 million people is not a small amount. Just because one language has more speakers doesn’t mean the other is not as important.

“No Ukranian language support? Just Learn russian!” is not a valid argument in the slightest.

Nothing to do with culture.


The Ukrainian community isn’t really as big as the Arabic speaking community.
Still, ROBLOX does not support Arabic.

Before adding support for ukranian, they should really be adding support for Arabic.


I sincerely support the addition of any language, but I will support the addition of Ukrainian, as I am a resident of my country Ukraine and I am a native speaker of my language Ukrainian. So do not think that I am only for the addition of Ukrainian and that’s it.


Nowadays, most Ukrainians, because of the situation in their country - the war - are switching to the Ukrainian language, forgetting Russian. So now the support of the giant gaming corporation Roblox will be just another impetus to switch to the Ukrainian language.


I can not find this section :frowning:

Update: I have not access to publish on this section. So we, ukrainians, need to give some attention of roblox moderators to this post.

Update 2: I have already sent a request for access to this topic. I hope it will be approved soon :slight_smile:


Ukrainian and Russian​ are both Slavic languages. Still, they are quite different. Both have a Cyrillic alphabet, although there are still unique symbols. Modern Ukrainian shares some commonalities with Russian and Belorusian and the languages of Ukraine’s other neighbours.12 Oct 2022 - from

no offense. But I don’t think Ukrainians would actually play Roblox at all because of the war

If there is official support for Roblox and support for Ukrainian language projects, many people will be more interested in playing games. If there is support for this language, then developers will find a certain terrain. If there is support, we can isolate ourselves more from the Russian language.


Most Ukrainians aren’t just sitting around in bomb shelters all day waiting to die. Life goes on, people play video games, especially when there’s an air raid alert and you’re not supposed to go outside. Ukraine is a large, modern and developed country, it’s not like people live in mud huts with no WiFi or computers. And there are millions of Ukrainians who are not even in Ukraine. So yes, lots of Ukrainians play Roblox. Especially because it’s a free game that doesn’t require a super expensive computer.


There is no point to add ukrainian language, for some reason, russian and ukrainian languages are similar because they almost have exact ethnic group and they are slavic languages
The difference between russian and ukrainian languages is due to the grammar
The reason why i use russian language as an example its because they are almost exact same

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The ethnicy that i stated is not fully exact same. they got some difference, but they are slavic group

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These are really arguments for adding every language available, and as we know, that’ll take some time

Just because a majority of the world talks a language, doesn’t mean a majority of the users on the platform does. Adding support for a language that gets barely spoken abroad will lead to a loss of resources and is a waste of time.

I’m supportive of adding support for multiple languages, but not one singular or particular.


But I don’t think Ukrainians would actually play Roblox at all because of the war

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what war is actually like. People are still going to school in Ukraine, though not all in-person. Companies continue to operate. I think entertainment is a tremendous opportunity for escape and relaxation in such a terrible situation.


The fact that Russian is a Slavic language has yet to be proven)
Because there are many studies that the Russian language has evolved more from other languages, such as Old Slavonic (the language of Kyivan Rus), and other Indo-European languages (Belarusian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz). So why are there no languages mentioned above, but Russian is there?)
If you are remembering the past, then dive into this topic more clearly :slight_smile:


Why then do developers on Steam bother to add such “non-particular” languages to their games? I’m all for supporting all languages that involve robocalls, so that their language becomes common instead of rare. Yes, it may take time and money, but please tell me, how long should it take? A year? Two? Or ten years? There is time, and no one is in a hurry. I just want to see my language as an official language in roblox. My language is not different from others, but as a representative of my language, I want to see it on the platform.


Hi there, this category (#forum-help:forum-features) is for requests for the DevForum itself.

The forum already supports your requested language since it comes free since we use Discourse as the forum software which supports this language:

To request this for the Roblox platform as a whole, you are looking to post in the #feature-requests category. This category is not currently open for new posters but we will work on getting more people access in the future.

Closing this out since this request does not seem devforum-specific so it is not in the right category.