Ultra-Realistic Bösendorfer Model 290 [Cycles Render + Update!]

So this time I decided to show off my creation in Blender itself.

The model contains less than 200 parts, which means that it can be uploaded to Roblox Studio. Each part also contains less than 10k tris, which means that you will barely notice any performance changes even with a few of these pianos in-game.

For those of you who haven’t seen my previous post, then yes, I have successfully uploaded this model to Roblox before, and it performed surprisingly well! Even with 2 pianos I didn’t notice any lag at all!

Link to my previous post: Thoughts on my Ultra Realistic Bösendorfer Model 290 Imperial Concert Grand Piano

Anyways, here’s the final product you’ve all been waiting for!

Let me know what you guys think.


si, indeed very realistic! Very nice job!

Contact me on discord: coolguyweir#9679
We might be looking to hire you!

I bring my greatest apologies, but at the moment, I am not for hire.
But I really appreciate your offer!

I believe you forgot the Börsendorfer logo? I know you might have intentionally not included it because there might be some copyright issues, but it would still be nice for a showcase. You are also missing some details on the Lid prop.

Still looks amazing though! :+1:

Take this from a pianist: I want to play on that.
Great job, just, where is the logo?

The only reason I didn’t add the logo is out of fear of copyright infringement.

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