Unable to Archive Meshes

Whenever I am attempting to archive a Mesh - I keep getting an error stating ‘Unknown error, please try again later.’ - It is not visible in the footage however at the bottom of the screen is a grey textbox that will usually display that text - on this occasion it is blank.

Expected behavior

Object to be archived and removed from my existing inventory.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations?activeTab=MeshPart

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Thanks for reporting! The team is taking a look.

Hi @OiiKaee, do you have some asset IDs of meshes you are failing to archive? Is this happening for any other asset types?

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Hi @BobaMuncher -
The assets are: 17241961967, 17192257660.
I’ve had no issues archiving other assets - Meshes included. It just seems to be these two.

Issue still on-going, unsure as to why these two Meshes are proving a pain to archive. :thinking:

It looks like these meshes are used in avatar assets, which is why they cannot be archived. I will work with the team in fixing the error message for this case.

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Hopefully a way of hiding UGC Meshes is introduced? It’s a pain having assets in my inventory that I cannot remove or hide when not needed :confused: Feel like I lack control of my organisation.