Unable to Archive Meshes

Whenever I am attempting to archive a Mesh - I keep getting an error stating ‘Unknown error, please try again later.’ - It is not visible in the footage however at the bottom of the screen is a grey textbox that will usually display that text - on this occasion it is blank.

Expected behavior

Object to be archived and removed from my existing inventory.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations?activeTab=MeshPart


Thanks for reporting! The team is taking a look.

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Hi @OiiKaee, do you have some asset IDs of meshes you are failing to archive? Is this happening for any other asset types?


Hi @BobaMuncher -
The assets are: 17241961967, 17192257660.
I’ve had no issues archiving other assets - Meshes included. It just seems to be these two.

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Issue still on-going, unsure as to why these two Meshes are proving a pain to archive. :thinking:

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It looks like these meshes are used in avatar assets, which is why they cannot be archived. I will work with the team in fixing the error message for this case.

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Hopefully a way of hiding UGC Meshes is introduced? It’s a pain having assets in my inventory that I cannot remove or hide when not needed :confused: Feel like I lack control of my organisation.

Archiving assets also makes them unusable in experience, so we can’t allow these meshes to be archived since they need to be usable to users who purchased the clothing assets.

I’ll bring it to the team on whether we can improve these organizational features.

what about meshes that aren’t used in avatars but are still considered a render mesh, meshes that use amateurs or bones for example. I have a couple that I need deleted or archived and are not on the market and weren’t bought by anyone but were stolen.