Unable to DevEx

Hi, recently I’ve been working really hard to earn my first ever robux that I was going to DevEx.

The way I made the robux was through scripting services I provide.

To my surprise, upon DevExing, my robux were returned to me a week later. I concacted roblox support for answers, and they basically said “Your robux are not eligible, read the terms…”.

So I email them again, that I have proof of a fair exchange. And I get ignored. (it’s been 8 days)

What do I do now?

Do you have enough for their minimum transaction?

If you have 30,000 robux, and can’t devex, it’s probably because Roblox doesn’t really like when people get donated robux. If the funds were earned from an game, that game has to be public. I don’t know since I have never had such issue.

oh also if the person gave you robux that was uneligible that might also be the answer.

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yes i do, i’ve sent the robux but was refunded

I made the robux from a comission, they weren’t donated

I think Roblox stated this in their Terms of Use.

I’m pretty sure this won’t count (unless it’s a public game with commission payments displayed) because they have to see where the robux is from and confirm it’s legit

I’ve managed to devex. The issue was, roblox thought that my robux weren’t earned fairly. What i did was I emailed roblox’s support, and later sent proof of my robux’s eligibility by showing off my work and comissions. The verification process took around a month.

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