Unable to Edit Avatar

I am unable to change my Roblox avatar on my account. When I attempt to edit my avatar I receive this error:

When attempting to change the avatar on a different account it works perfect with no issues. I have also tried on mobile and have the same issue.


this was happening all day today, there was a white bar of text at the top of the site saying they were working on a fix, however a few hours ago it suddenly disappeared, with the issue still persisting.
still happening to me.


Yeah, this occurred since yesterday and there was a message stating it:

And, as you said, it vanished… I am not sure if they thought that it was fixed for everyone and decided to move on, but we can assure to say that it persists… You cannot even change through avatar games.


Problem is still occurring, tried mobile and PC. Taking off or putting on anything results in the “Error while updating worn items” message as posted previously and attempting to use any character or avatar creation results in a “Failed to wear/character/costume” message.


I am still not able to change my avatar, and the fact Roblox doesn’t solve anything, shows how much of a corporation they are


Can confirm, why did they remove the message when it is still broken?


Its annoying and now my avatar is stuck as some emo thing bruh


Putting it on the normal way gives some weird error I’ve never seen: Temporary site event enum field: Insufficient assetIds. A temporary fix seems to be copying the ID of the item you want to equip and pasting it under “advanced”.


I’m facing the same issue, I’m currently working on my outfit storage extension, and I am getting this strange undocumented error (as previously mentioned above by @weindeer). I’m sending a POST request to https://avatar.roblox.com/v2/avatar/set-wearing-assets API with the following body:


And I get a response of 400 Bad Request, with the following body:

    "errors": [
            "code": 6,
            "message": "Temporary site event enum field: Insufficient assetIds",
            "userFacingMessage": "Something went wrong"

I checked Swagger UI documentation, and there is no mention of this error code, or the message:


This error always occurs with the request body I provided, so it’s not a temporary issue. It seems like when I don’t provide a shirt asset, it will respond with this error, similar behavior can be observed when trying to unequip a shirt.


Not sure if this is related but I’m currently unable to wear hats. This happens on all devices.

When wearing an outfit that includes hats, in the web avatar editor, it will completely fail to apply any assets, and in the universal app it applies everything but the hats. Hats always appear under invalidAssets when attempting to wear them through the avatar API.

Additionally, I can only load 49 hats under Accessories > Head in the avatar editor. And all of these 49 hats can actually be worn, but nothing else.

It’s just hats. All other types of accessories work.

EDIT: This seems to be fixed for me now.


I’m also experiencing this issue. It has been an issue all day and is still not fixed for me hopefully this can be its own post as I know other people who are also experiencing this issue.

Basically on the avatar editor when you go to the heads section only 21 hats load in. Those 21 hats are the only hats you can wear. Even if you have more than 21 hats in your inventory you are unable to wear them and at times it doesn’t even register you as owning them. This only applies to hats in the accessory category and nothing else.

In addition to that the avatar editor is just broken for me in general and I wasn’t able to put on clothing hats, outfits even for the ones that do show up.


I submitted a bug report yesterday but I still haven’t heard anything back from Roblox. Hopefully it’ll be fixed for you soon.

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Hello, do you still encounter this issue? We suspect this should be fixed.

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