Unable To Edit Developer Products

This is the follow-up post for this issue that was marked as “Fixed” even though it wasn’t.

As of February 2025, this is still happening; I cannot edit the image nor the price. Editing the image results in an error message: “You are not authorized to access one of the requested resources.” while editing the price throws this error: “Product is created by another user”


Maybe delete and make new dev producut

All newly created products suffer from the same issue. Also, you cannot “delete” devproducts.

Thank you for the report. We have assigned this to our team for further review.

Can we get the developer product id?

Yeah, it happens with all the products I’ve created so far for this game.


Thank you for sharing, we are currently looking into these developer products.

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Do you have edit permissions for this particular experience?

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Yup, I can access studio and create gamepasses/developer products.

Thank you.
Can you try one more time to update

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Still seems to be happening.
Experience ID: 7204733392
Product ID: 2878656856

I’ve done a bit more testing; it only seems to be happening for that specific newly created group. It could be related to the join time? I’ve also seen this bug happen in another game a few weeks ago, when a new developer that was just hired created new products (neither him nor older developers could edit the products until a certain time had passed).

We do check if the user has permissions to manage group’s experiences and by inheritance developer products.
Given that creator of this developer product is a group.

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Oh i’ve found the issue; it’s related to the group perms. You need the legacy group ranks to edit developer products.


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