Unable to import .obj files through Import 3D button AND MeshPart.MeshId property in studio

Starting today, I am unable to import .obj and .fbx files into roblox studio, it would either return an failed to upload error or HTTP 500 error (even after renaming and reexporting the mesh from blender). This is greatly impacting my progress.
By right it should import the object as a meshpart normally after prompting to move to a specific location and resizing your mesh.
the error message can’t even be read properly, well done

rightside.obj (22.1 KB)
The file I’m trying to import


Yeah this is getting annoying at this point. If you’re still having issues, i’ve provided a short-term workaround for this! A (temporary) fix for "HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)"


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi, sorry about this, I can see how this can be extremely annoying.

I downloaded your file and was able to upload it without issue, which means this will be a tricky bug to track down.

Can you help me by answering the following questions:

  1. Is this issue constant over a longer studio session, or does it happen on the first few uploads and then goes away?
  2. Is your place published?
  3. I see this was posted 15 days ago, has the issue resolved since then?


  1. When this problem was first reported, this problem happens constantly, not matter how I modify the file or retry uploading.
  2. No, my place is not published.
  3. This issue was resolved… almost. For me it still happens once every few days, but can go away after some time retrying upload.