Unable to join group

It’s unbelievable this problem has been around for several years.

PC Info: Windows 11 22H2
Date First Experienced: 7/10/23
Date Last Experienced: 21/10/23

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to an empty group (ex. Wir sind löwen ## - Roblox)
  2. Simply join.

Expected Behavior: It should let me join.
Actual Behavior: “Unable to join group” banner shows, 500 InternalServerError in the web console.

The same happens on phone, microsoft store, chrome, opera, edge, universal and even other accounts. (also different networks)

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That particular group is not owned by anyone. Can groups with no owner be joined?

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yes and it grants you the owner role in the group

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Can you click on ‘no one’ to get ownership or do you already have to be in it?

ETA: ah, nevermind - I saw an old post explaining why it can’t be done.

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when you join a group with no owner it will automatically give you the role

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From looking at old posts it looks like it must have had ‘manual approval’ on when it was abandoned. With no one to approve it basically locks the group from ever being used or claimed again.

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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.


If that is the case, the group should automatically be deleted since it can no longer be used again.

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Not on manual approval, but not joinable.

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also affects the groups around it, 14538317 - 14538321