Unable to Launch Roblox and Roblox Studio on University Internet

After the release of 447, or about 3 hours ago, I lost the ability to open up Roblox games and Roblox Studio on multiple devices. Launch times of Roblox Studios are currently in the minutes and result in login errors, while other services like the Roblox website are running normally.

Using Fiddler, it shows that multiple Roblox endpoints are returning errors after failing for about ~30 seconds or so for ephemeralcounters.api.roblox.com and users.roblox.com. Loading the pages in a browser shows a timeout error for requests.

I have confirmed this on 4 devices (3 Windows 10 2004, 1 Android 8.1), however, this problem only appears on my university’s network. When checking the endpoint on my phone using 4G, the message "ECS OK" is returned from ephemeralcounters.api.roblox.com and {"message":"OK"} from users.roblox.com. Accessing the services through a free proxy is also fine. I am not sure if this has to do something with my university’s configuration, such as all computers registered to the system being exposed to the internet with proper domain names, but I am hoping it is clear from a change made from the last update.

Edit: I also tried the websites on a school-provided externally-hosted Windows 10 VM that is also part of the university network, but is configured differently and is in a different building. The result was also the endpoints timing out. Additionally, I did try a wget in a Linux VM that hosts my website and is far from my university, and users.roblox.com did respond correctly like my phone on 4G.


Hi there.

Could you please read https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005744663 and reply with which one the endpoints are broken. Along with that port range?

May help engineers break down the issue further


Here are the endpoints I tested:

I wouldn’t be too surprised if it is university-related, but I am not sure given that some subdomains going to and a tracert has requests going outside my university’s network before failing. I will edit this post once I get a response from my university’s IT department.


Could this possibly be related?


Possibly. Something that is different is the error messages. I am getting a “Login error. Please try again.” instead of the other error you got in Studio, and I am unable to get the client to launch. Still waiting to hear back from my university’s IT department regarding this.


I am also receiving the same login error you are reporting now, too!

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I’m receiving same login error when attempting to open Roblox Studio. Also I can join roblox games but it took 2 minutes just to display loading screen, then 2 minutes to open game, finally this is the result after successfully loaded. The whole of this issues started to appear for me last night.

Entire of the environments are completely loaded properly, but I cannot see decals, some part of character, and even clothing except for myself. Animation doesn’t even load as well. At first I thought it’s my firewall but even when I turned whole Windows Defender off and this show no change. Contacted University IT and they found no issue with connecting (pinging) to the roblox websites & APIs (All websites, including Roblox, are loaded very fast. I can connect to much of the online games I can think of- very fast as well.) Now I suspect this is the issue caused by the Released 447 that directly impacted University internet somehow.


I’ve received one of these login errors today as well. My internet is also fairly good Normally, so I think this could happen to anyone.

For me, restarting studio fixed it. It might not for everyone.

I reached out to my IT department as well including the endpoints posted by Nexus. They have confirmed that the issue it not on their end so it is definitely an issue caused by the most recent Roblox update.

Oddly enough I got the same response from my university.

I have re-opened the ticket because of the difference in the traceroute. Most likely this isn’t on Roblox’s end, but I need them to investigate further with whatever server is at the end of the traceroute and failing because I have no clue how their infrastructure is set up. I am also hesitant on closing this because this issue happens way too often, and may point to a problem with how Roblox manages there servers and causing these region/isp-specific outages.

I am not sure if my university or something else (release 448?) happened, but I am no longer having this problem.

@MarkoSumisu @CapColton @Fm_Trick Can all of you confirm if this is still happening for you? If not, I will mark this as the solution as it has been resolved.

I’m not seeing any of the HTTP timeouts I was seeing before. Previously, upon opening 8 client sessions, 6+ would fail to authenticate, first try was 8/8 as of now;

Also not experiencing 3-4 datastore timeouts upon playtesting, meshes/images failing, etc. seems fixed.

@OutlookG How about you (same ISP and rough geographical location as me)?


It seems to be alot better now, still the occasional error here and there.

Yeah the problem seems to cleared up on my end as well.

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As of yesterday, I haven’t experienced any issue with loading game and opening studio so far without using VPN. Seem like the new update (or even ISP’s update) fixed it.

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