Unable to mass edit sequence properties (ie from particles)

Reproduction Steps

Select all the particles you’d like, and try to edit one of the sequence properties like transparency, color, etc. You are unable to, you have to individually select each particle and put in the properties you’d like to change

Expected Behavior

I should be able to edit the sequence properties while selecting more than one particle or beam. Currently can only do edit booleans, names, etc.

Actual Behavior

You aren’t able to edit the size, color, transparency, etc (anything that deals with a sequence) while selecting multiple particles


I go through each individual beam and particle and put in the values for the property

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


This also applies to Trails, Beams and any other Instance that has this kind of property. AFAIK this issue hasn’t been resolved since my first occurance in 2019.


This is a duplicate, see this bug report: Particle Editing Bug On Multiple ParticleEmitters - #4 by maxvee

A staff member confirmed this is a known limitation (missing feature, rather than a bug), so this should be filed as a feature request. You could ask the person who filed the thread linked above if they can move it to Studio Features.